Grim Dawn Version

Sadly we got some serious issues with Morgoneth

  1. he is really weak in close combat and do not represent any real trouble in close range, mostly because
  2. he wear a freaking LEVEL 1 WHITE weapon. Nor green, nor even yellow. Hilarious.
  3. Due to point 2 his weapon could abuse to use on level 1 characters, and for sure this weapon are outperforming every single one weapon you could obtain at level 1-10/15

Which is a bug and will be fixed.

Still no Mythical Vanguard of the Legion :frowning:

(but dat Black Star mamamia)

Hope so
/10 char

I got no win update in between - no macro issues so far with AHK

Nuff said.

Breath of Belgothian (pneumatic brust cristal) not working

Are you dual wielding with your character? It won’t work if you aren’t using two weapons.

now i see on description, but it is a recent change ?

Nope, been there forever. :slight_smile:

LMAO, at this point, I honestly believe people in this board are begging for nerfs and praising those nerfs, simply because they love seeing popular builds getting screwed up, just to see the reactions from people that had their builds affected up.

But then again, not really surprised that the inquisitor was nerfed… again… Yeah, it got some buffs to garbage skills that are still garbage, but with less flies floating around them now, but at this point, might as well just delete this mastery from the game.

I’m just glad I jumped to the occultist boat, because that’s the only mastery that actually gets some love in this game.

I suggest you to save your baseless emotional responses to yourself.

Why? Nobody else here does. :smile:

dial me up when you see gun sorcs back, pierce commando, chaos ray warlock or vitality ray warlock over Chaos Ray Mage Hunter, Gun purifier, and Pierce Purifier or Pierce Tactician…

Also mage hunters.

Fashion Dawn Lovers would adore these new looks.
Surprisingly no Dev Stream this time, don’t know how long we gonna see their friendly lovely faces again.
Great job all of you and pls give yourselves a well-deserving break.

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You just can’t stop making your fans being happy :heart_eyes:

i think you meant troll bonecrusher, not troll skullcrusher

After starting over with this patch, I just wanted to say Thank You to Z and Crate for these awesome changes. Game is definitely very fun with the item changes and makes for an easier leveling experience when going self-found and not having any equipment to start with. :grava_yes:


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Yes, GoG users did get the update, I just came back from GoG with the info; thanks Crate for keeping us in the loop!

Really happy to see you folks still keeping the flame lit all these years later. I’ve looked in on things now and then since it was first mentioned over on the TQ forums and it’s so epic you’ve been able to turn this dream into a reality. It’s also really cool how much you’ve involved the community in the process. Grats to all of you at Crate for making it this far.

It does make me a little sad, though. I miss Runic Games and wish Perfect World hadn’t shut them down. I would have loved to see both Grim Dawn and Torchlight celebrating bigger and better things together. I just hope Torchlight:Frontiers carries on Runics legacy.