Grim Dawn Version

And they took the only functioning amulet from my saboteur (only functioning ammy between level 75 and 94)

Is it just me, or is aggro control in the korvaan arena SR boss room way harder now without camera trickery? I get one boss always coming at me without moving at all, occasionally two, and then if I move even a step any direction but south usually 2 more or even all three left aggro. I wonder if that was the intent of the change or a side effect.

Wow, they totally whacked Mythical Frigid Barrel of the Relentless North with a nerf stick. I just hit 82 (Inq/Nbl tri-element Rounds; currently using Barrelsmith’s pair) and had a set in storage to switch to and… Yeah, not going to. They’re garbage now. sigh

Base damage down, lost chance of freeze and that retaliate freeze chance… Everything down.

EDIT: Damage type is entirely cold now, but that’s not what my build wanted.

Fettan Mask (at least 50 lvl) just lost +1 to all skills. Damn :unamused:

I love you Crate

The level 94 Fettan Mask still has +1 all.

Patch notes read the spawn points have been more spread out. So it’s safe to assume that this is for the sake of successfully pulling bosses one by one.

ya1 is being dramatic but I am a bit astounded that Silver Sentinel got nerfed. It’s not like people were lining up to use an item with ~1100 armor at level 100 to begin with.

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That’s unjustified, especially in “buff blue” patch but how about Blue Beronath amulet. That’s basically killed. It was cheap replacement of legendary amulets and it’s used virtually on every budget/cheap build. After stats were changed once and AS/CS decreased looked shielded from future nerfs. On very few builds like Purifier was BiS, now it’s bad. :frowning_face:


Agreed @Nery, it’s great for a bunch of builds at the budget/beginner stage that haven’t gotten better drops or recipes yet.

I was looking forward to using it during my GD fresh restart. Now that option is gone…

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I guess its to farm kaisan ammy on normal. What else can budget builds not being favoritized right now (like the mage hunters who are being showered with gear options) do after all? The level 50-94 abyss has gotten much deeper.

I guess I’ll be crafting a runefather gem tomorrow. Glad I did the leveling befoee the patch. Without the +1 on lowbie fettan mask and the emp essence, you can bet the budget harra gets put on ice pretty much forever.

All pieces of the explorer’s set now has 5% increased exp, not just the helmet. Makes for a nice leveling set.

Doesn’t work ingame (screen with maybe spoilers) :

Also, not a big fan of some Clairvoyant AAR changes, the most OP setup was spellbinder and/or codex of lies, not sure why warlock/pulsing shard was nerfed as much since it’s inferior. Anyway the nerf was gentle imo.

Oh I also noticed the CDR rolls on greens (a stat not affected by affixes on off-hands) were re-rolled after the update. I don’t know if it was intended, so I report it

It only adds “chilled” when you move into them, so I assume they deal cold damage.

I frankly did not even see what they can do, my pets took them apart too fast. They could teleport and create the tentacles same as the Ch’Thonian versions. What else? I also dunno what the Scion of Famine does… it had a bit more HP but that’s all?

In contrast Morgoneth killed me in seconds. Is there some way to disable that crystal in the middle that shoots homing cold rockets at you? They do insane damage.

I just hid behind a bit of scenery while my pets destroyed him. :rofl:


Funny, he was probably the least problematic key boss I fought. He fights at mid-range, which is where I thrive, so I had an easy time kiting him to oblivion. It was elite though, and I still had a few close calls when I ran in to apply dots. Definitely a boss to be respected by any undergeared/squishy players.

As for the crystal, positioning.

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Umm, why? Frozen Hearts and shells are needed for what, exactly? And just go through the Ugdenbog and Gloomwald once, you can easily net around 20 Ugdenblooms. Plants and golems drop them out of the wazoo.
I always have far more trouble with the damn Aether shards, which are basically needed for every rare component, and hence, every relic or item that needs them, not to mention for dynamite. You can farm them at the Warden’s cellar and Conflagration sure, but it is boring as hell.

I was on Ultimate - I barely even saw the boss, there was an Eldritch Wraith thing with him I think, but it wasn’t him that did me in but those damn crystal missiles. I had no time to find out its pattern at all as those things targeted me from the moment I entered, not my pets. Annoying, because unlike in the Mogdrogen Garden, not even the death rooms were a challenge for my Conjurer until then, so this end boss was surprisingly deadly.

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Tried that too, but those missiles seemed to home in on me around corners. I thought maybe like in TQ with Typhon, you had to destroy something to turn the crystal off, so I ran around looking for it, and I guess that was the problem…
Btw where did the quote button go? I can just reply but not quote unless I right-click-select?

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