Yep, because when they buff some item intended to use by build A, then next day appears build B - IMMORTALFLUFFYPUSSYDESTROYER SHARD 98 4:15 CRUCIBLE NAKED, and after they nerf the same item player that uses build C “A-A-A-A MY BUILD IS DEAD”. It never ends. GD has its legacy, all legendary items have been patched hindreds of times. I just want something that is final even if it’s not perfect.
Aether has Wrathstone but lightning doesn’t really have a solid weapon component outside ranged and off-hands. I guess it’s still gonna be Seal of Corruption for the 50% dmg and the oa. Poor lightning…
Only Blade Spirits builds got hit. But it’s a tradition now. Every patch one conduit goes.
And there are quite a few new builds, though I guess they aren’t strictly top-tier. Pierce SS, Winter Bane got buffed to ridiculousness, phys AAR, elemental 2h Cadence, some niche pet stuff.
So don’t get all carried away. You don’t know shit updates until you try Wolcen.
Yeah, right? No f-cking rhythm!
THx for the tip. I didn’t know it was coming out.
It was clear in both the last 2 GM’s that the bridge will be coming in And this is probably what you heard - from the 7th December dev stream:
"gothboyyyyyyy : what will happen to twin falls?
Now I was expecting that question to come up. The answer is … you’ll be able to go through that bridge. We’re going to open that area up, we’ve actually been working on some new little bit of content over there for you to explore. There’ll be some mobs to fight there, some something to collect and it will offer you a shortcut from the riftgate straight to Tyrant’s Hold. Not as popular a destination as it used to be, obviously from vanilla, but still it’s really cool that if you progress through Tyrant’s Hold down south to Twin Falls, from that direction you’ll be able to repair the bridge and proceed to the riftgate. It will not change the progression that you have currently in terms of how you get to Homestead for new characters; they will still progress exactly as we intended through Smuggler’s Pass, through the Mountain Deeps to Homestead. But for characters that have all the riftgates or have already cleared that area they can just go through Tyrant’s Hold, down south, repair that bridge and you have another way through. It opens up the world a little more and in a place that people have been looking forward to seeing for a long time."
I strongly disagree, it’s the perfect place to complain even if it doesn’t change anything. If you don’t like my complaints I suggest you don’t read them. And yeah, f*ck patience.
When the day comes that Crate finally puts down tinkering with GD all this will be long forgotten fairly quickly. I can understand the sentiment in a sense but for me I’ll be happy when they set it it down and pass the baton over to the modders so that they can reign supreme without needing to worry about constantly updating mods/tools to keep up with changes.
The balancing they are doing now, however, I feel will in the long run leave the game in a supremely healthier state when the day does come that they set it down. I think they deserve props for showing that they actually give a fuck about their game and their community so long after the fact.
Useless for you maybe. The mods for it are very well made to fully support it.
I like it and hope it stays with more support for fire RoS as well. My only issue is that they are mutually exclusive but that can be improved upon
I really appreciate such changes. For example Chaos Deceiver can now bind Raise the Dead to Curse of Frailty, Word of Pain or Solael’s Flame.
I’ve been DYING for a legitimate means to run a fire based nightblade, with RoS specifically, once I found a Vilgazor’s Heart or whatever that MI is called. The visual effects changing is awesome as well. Does anyone know if Vilgazors Heart damage conversion also changes the visual effects of RoS?
@Zantai And this. Cmon you’ve already nerfed my lightning reta now this… Didn’t notice it yesteday. You understand that not all reta builds are equal in power? Physical and lightning retaliation has different damage power you just can’t nerf them with same nerf hammer Zantai. Or buff lightning retaliators in some way please.
Yes you can see it in one of @arcane_undo videos
Some commonly used components and epics seemingly kneecapped… need to farm more ugdenblooms…
Looks like all around buffs to less used relics
Another pass on purple pants looking good
Spellscourge buffs!
Crusade against racial damage intensifies, not that I’m against it
Looking like good changes to devotions yet again
Need to test FW changes
Energy cost on BWC looks nice
WTF no totem or WD nerf?
DE changes aimed at the retaliation version?
Looking very nice all around, now to find more time and motivation to farm hundreds of ugdenblooms…
Unfortunately, I have no Pet BD, I’m a mage and shooter player, every times update for me, just nerf, nerf and nerf, while other really OPBD like Retal and Pet are always been buff, this is shit.
ps: Im new to forum, could u tell me how to quote others comment?
Thank you.
thank you.–Is that it?
thank you.–Is that it?
Looks like you got it.
Thanks, at least I know I am not imagining things, Will look for the bridge again when 1.1.7 releases.
HELL yeah. I cant wait to get home and build around it!!!
Zantai add it probably for pet caster. However it will be abused by non pet too obviously.
Silver Sentinel Bone Harvest Reapers will be very happy with this change