Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1

Excellent write up. Lots of good points for Crate to (hopefully) look at and take into consideration.

I totally understand that post you referenced regarding set reliance when in contrast with Non set builds in terms of power.

I hope that the situation ends up like your Gate to many worlds example or/and Crate Adds a few pieces of support gear to make non set pet builds viable.

Personally I would love and always wanted to play a hybrid BF unstable build. Exploding pets are always fun.

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Zolhan change is fantastic, thank you, it’s finally good for dual wielding!

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On that note, the in-game tooltip of Zoltan’s Technique still only shows the Main Hand damage, not the Off Hand, is it just a display bug?

No, it was just a totally sexist fix that didn’t correctly update the female PC animation as well. We’ll address that in a future update.


I have a suggestion for or

Could you make it so that possessing a set item in your inventory [either wearing or sitting in the inventory] increases the chance of receiving the other set items (more for each set item you carry)

Note: applies that it only increases chance for the set it belongs to -> an ultos set piece won’t increase chances for a ghol set but will only increase chances for ultos set pieces of the same tier (normal or mythical) only.

You’re basically asking for a complete loot system redesign and introduction of smart loot. It cannot be a small change just for the hotfix :wink: or even for 1.1.9+.0 imo at this stage of development


I doubt smart loot will happen at this point as well. Transmutation is the developer’s answer to specific wanted set pieces being too rare to drop, or you can mod a way you feel fits you into the game instead.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bewitched Frightening Cap of the Wipe Out

I didn’t see any changes for better with my vitality PS builds. Still not as great as the other types. More lifesteal is nice but it needs damage mitigation. And my Warder lost 1.5k life so it was nerfed with the changes to Rotgheist. Give vitality PS damage reduction to enemies.