Grim Dawn Version

Max rank (26) health/damage bonus for Raven, Briarthorn, Hellhound:
All Damage: 365% (vs %165 before) Health: 150% (vs 125% before)
-The last jump for damage is big at +41, the rank before that it only jumps 21.

Max rank (22) Conjure Primal Spirit:
All Damage: 340% (vs 185% before) Health: 170% (vs 150% before)
-Last jump for damage here is 317 to 340.


Kinda anecdotal but since I’m currently levelling a Pet Oppressor: my lvl 26 Blight Fiend has gained around 200 % additional pet damage on the pet itself and lvl 19 Reap Spirit has gained over 100 %. The flat damage seems to have jumped by quite a bit, though obviously we don’t have an easy way to tally the damage losses on the set without Grimtools yet. What I find more concerning are the offensive ability/crit damage losses on some of the sets.

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Is it just me or can you indeed zoom out much more on the devotion map now? It´s great!

Anyone else having FPS drops after the patch? I was getting crashes in mourndale, crowded SR rooms or Crucible time to time back then but the general stream was smooth with low settings. Now it got glitchy(don’t know the exact word, instant stops, fps drops, inconsistencies etc) in everywhere; even in MC while you just walking etc, not in combat againts 20 monsters.

It’s just new Grim Internals


Thank you guys and others who have helped me get a clearer picture of the current state of things.

I have also had someone help with gather data on my Pet guide thread and I will cross post my thoughts on it here as well:

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I don’t understand all the consecutive nerfs to mortar trap in the latest patches, are (were) there some broken mortar builds I’m not aware of or something? :thinking:

In general all Mortar traps builds were very strong. Or at least fire versions and lightning Purifier. I am not sure about chaos. But also changes motivates you to utilize Big One.

My problem with this actually is lack of enough leveling gear for it, besides maybe off-hand.

I don’t know about broken Mortar builds but I think part of it has been trying to make Big One more appealing or shift some power from Mortar Trap/Heavy Ordnance into it. Keep in mind as well this update that despite the fire rate getting nerfed that Big One got Burn damage that will stack with multiple Mortars…

  • Namadea’s Horns: added 5% Physical Resist modifier for Vindictive Flame and increased its Cold damage modifier to 160. Added 45% of Fire dealt as Cold modifier for Pneumatic Breath.

No idea what “Pneumatic Breath” is but looks cool!

I already have a new build where I can now reach 100% conversion thanks to the buff :slight_smile:

That must be one hell of a breath.

I think it’s fair since it’s harder to incorporate as a channeling skill.

That’s a great buff for many ranged builds.

I liked this component even before the patch. Very underrated imo.

1 Like hot fix: Pneumatic Burst changed to Pneumatic Breath in-game. Reason: typo.typo-troll-cat-meme-generator-that-was-so-easy-c9d53a .4vpsjl


Whelp, I must resist playing. I am dead tired. Have to sleep and not start this and check for the new items…

Woot! That basically means I can keep my kitty in the playing field without stop. I had the gap reduced to about 1.9 seconds between summons so far. :slight_smile:

I spoke too soon. Y’ just had to ruin my build, did you?

That’s some serious nerfing… 6 damage is almost nothing. Why take away all the bonuses?

Now that’s just twisting the knife. What did Mogrdogen ever do to you to nerf his chosen beast so badly?
I never resorted to any mods before, but I just might mod the previous version back now. This is unfair to do to pet builds.


I did… My Conjurer was built around that, heck. That and Bleed damage for pets. Nature’s Call + Bound Wraith, I got it down to so much I only needed to wait 1.9 seconds between summons. Now this is up to 9 seconds. Great.
More than that, why even have the Nature’s Call set, when the final bonus is minuscule? 15 flat physical damage to pets? When the medal alone adds 478 flat damage ? This is small potatoes next to it…


The cooldown increase of the primal spirit really hurts, and there is a new oddity which I noticed. After the duration expires the pet just dies instead of just being unsummoned. Is it by design or a bug?


That has been always like that for me. He can end up in really silly poses when dying. :smiley:
But yeah, these changes are uncalled for. Waiting 9 seconds to resummon my kitty feels like ages after the 1.9 seconds I had it whittled down to. And I have no other item to try. Halion’s Crest gives +6 seconds duration, but then I cannot use the Nature’s Call regalia and I need the 2 Briarthorns.


40 posts were split to a new topic: Pet Changes Discussion - now with 100% less testing!

Can we please fix this issue? I’m telling you guys for two patches, maybe even more;

Boss icons doesn’t show in map until you got too close to them. And sometimes even minimap doesn’t show them. It’s okay in MC etc but in SR it’s QoL to see them in map quickly and decide where to start first.

Did you report a bug? Doesn’t ring a bell.

Unfortunately without a repro, not much we can go on.

Well I didn’t open a bug report thread but;

It’s not a new issue. I don’t know about other people but I’m having this for a long time and it’s really annoying not being able to see Nemesis icons when you click ‘‘M’’.