Grim Dawn Version

HA, nice try Z, you can’t nerf retaliation if i don’t download the update :smirk:



Lul at the people saying retal is dead. The only big loss is beronath for builds who use it. And maybe blacksteel. But honor + sethris + cs damage nerf is very bearable. Crate didn’t touch retal defense here. Messenger of war even got bonus armor. Retal is not dead, but it’ll certainly be less cancerous than before.

and from what I can see zucc should still sub 5


time to nerf the only component for helmets, nice

this does NOTHING, man. I see 0 point why not add lifeleech to the weapon itself or at least to FS. ADctH on a single-target wps with 24% activation chance is just ridiculous. And it doesn’t solve any problems of chaos sabo (already tested, still bad).

why buffing adcth when the thing that needs buffs is radius?

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Also AAR nerfs. This patch is complete


supercharged got AAR’s crit in a UTZ certified fair trade :sweat_smile:

Actually %23 chance, even 2x Voidspire and SR set, I can’t harcap it, only 12/8 is possible. I tested aswell. Before the patch 1x Fang 1x Voidspire has almost same dps with 2x Voidspire but Fang provided lifesteal, so I was using that; now atleast Voidspire’s little dps gain has +2 to Nightblade; which I don’t know only makes it easier to build around just that. Didn’t make it tankier or stronger but fixed a lot of other things since you have now +2 all Nightblade skills. Which is I believe the most important need of ‘‘Saboteur’’ class. Skill points. We should have get more on other gears that support the class. But I’ve learned not to be greedy :stuck_out_tongue:

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I do believe this comment is self explanatory

Also, looks like I have new pew pew testing this weekend. Don’t see everything I was hoping for but still plenty to help out multiple builds


I have already tested aether druid with Vortex and Veilkeeper
Probably you can guess how it ended up

No longer the only one since Runestone (head only compo) received 8% racial damage to aetherials. Sanctified Bone or whatever to reach 100% armour absorb remain available. You want moar choice ? Leathery Hide

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Bitter sweet but it looks like a great one! Thanks again, as always to the Crate Team and the massive amount of work they’ve put into this diamond.

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I don’t understand why was there a need to remove duration modifier for Conjure Primal Spirit for Nature’s Call Regalia Set and then increase it’s cooldown on the skill itself. It’s hard to get 100% uptime for it irregardless.


Okay, now for the patch itself

that’s good.

Community: Zantai, farming Crucible makes no sense compared to SR!
Zantai: gotcha folks.

Understandable Diamond nerf, yet it’s still two heads above any other helm-slot option. Runestone is nice though, but not even close to diamond.

making them binders even more immortal, aren’t you

4 targets in 60 angles. yep.


Neat mod.

seems like quite a random nerf.

was expecting some cool acid RoH. Ended up with generic +30 cold damage. Feelsbadman

might actually help cold sabo.

unironically good.

not the support i expected, hoped for any changed to MQC, but w/e i guess.


that’s really cool.

not going to help.

might be good for fire paladins.


certainly not overpowered, not in the slightest.

i understand the appearance of this three dots.

15% total damage modifier speaks for itself. item looks good though.

definitely will help blitz.

@Retal_Abuser they can.

right in time for scales meta! (it was over with 1.1.8.)

still looks like rubbish to me, even with all nodes buffed, but here i actually need to play-test rotgheist.

this one might help.

overall, i think that patch is okay, but genuinely don’t understand why did it take 4 months to make. seems like you’re really burnt out and need some rest from GD. I’m glad that this is the last patch, good luck with FF and certainly looking forward any news regarding GD-related game and sequel to GD.

(do expect a lot of balancing feedbacks though)


I looked in GDStash real quick and it seemed like the chaos DEE conduit affix remains unchanged, which I find odd because I thought we couldn’t have Conduits be absolute BIS for anything (new Ember’s Callin set)

It’s problematic, really, because I know there’s people out there that would actually spend hours trying to roll that amulet with the right affixes, only to have it removed/replaced in some later hotfix like it happened with that one blade spirit conduit.

so, the idea was that builds taking Obelisk need flat phys retal in the first place and should not take any additional DA?
otherwise I can’t explain why DA was moved to the hardest-to-get nod.

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? 10/chars


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New patch released, bingo…

From what I can gather from patch notes, change I like the most is SR bosses behavior. For me and lots of players I guess is straight up win and will result in better shards experience.

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Can’t break the traditions at this point.

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