Grim Dawn Version v1.0.0.8

Balance is great but nerfs are not unless something is truly OP.

And nerfing items makes less build diversity not more. Most of the time when an item gets nerfed people just move onto the next best thing.

Look at the markovian set that was just nerfed, was that OP ? I don’t think so. And now most people just use the warborn set instead, so nothing has changed, just something else has replaced it and will probably be nerfed in the future too.

When people put so much time into creating their character, and farming gear, and coming up with ways to make them the best they can possibly be then why should that be nerfed ? By that stage your character should be strong, thats the idea.

If they feel like it’s necessary, then they should do it. :wink:

But really, like I said a hundred of times before, this is all part of the balancing cycle of any ARPG or similar game out there… it’s not something exclusive to Grim Dawn alone… if something is considered too good and necessary for most of builds, they will, and should tone it down…and if something is considered too weak or underperforming, then they will try to make it more viable.

I’m not used to it on singleplayer games though, I have played lots and never had changes made all the time. And it’s the main reason I stay away from MMO’s, I got sick of it in the end. When things keep getting nerfed it just means balance is never found. One patch something is too good then it gets nerfed and everyone complains then it gets buffed again ect.

I guess it bothers me more on grim dawn because the game is so damn good lol but I don’t want to play it much atm because everytime I make a good character my time is wasted.

Just don’t update your game if it bothers you that much, simple.

No because then I would miss out on new stuff, so not simple.

Yeah I would but then I would miss out on new stuff.

So, you want new stuff, but you want everything to stay the same.

I suspect you won’t see the issue with that, but I assure you there is one.

Are you replying to me ? Wasn’t sure because if so you didn’t read anything I said. I said I don’t like nerfs. Pretty simple to understand.

I didn’t mention that anywhere…

I said I don’t like nerfs. Everyone plays the game differently. You might be ok with your characters being changed all the time but I don’t find that fun.

this is all part of the balancing cycle of any ARPG or similar game out there…

But other ARPG have their server and everyone is playing multi or trading…

But even if i don’t like this nerf i have to say D3 have done a big mistake this last time boosting continualuy items cause they have to boost difficulty without adding content. Their game is like a well without backgroud where player are lost if they don’t like e-sport…
But we are far from D3’s mistake they are boosting with 1000%, 1500% nombers, it’s just ridiculous.

You didn’t say that? Lemme quote.

In reply to a suggestion to not update:

So you want new stuff, but you don’t want anything to change. Except the new stuff, that you do want to change.

Sorry man, you’re gonna have to make a choice. New stuff, or your build never changing. Trade offs. Decisions. Part of life. There’s even a song for it…Can’t always get what you want.

Nobody like nerfs… that is a fact, but you can’t expect to make a game balanced by just buffing everything up, or leaving certain itens untouched, especially when new content is being made up… this would lead to even more balancing problems later for everybody else. I lost the count on how many times my characters got nerfed, but it hardly affected them in a way that made the game unplayable…

These balancing patches will always happen in any game of this genre, so you either have to learn to accept and addapt to these changes with each new patch, or this genre is not really for you. :undecided:

Looking at my join date you will see that I am fairly new to this game. I asked for advice on what to play and was told play what ever I liked. Come to find out later that blademasters excel with specific gear. That wasted my time leveling something I could not reach end game as it was gear specific. I then leveled a summoner build which helped, but still felt lacking against nemesis. Back to the drawing board.

Then leveled a BWC Sorc. Though now tankier and dps is better, still can’t fight nemesis. Resist are good, but spike damage was too intense. Let’s try crucible. Went to challenger level 80 for several hours… Not a single legendary. Perhaps the RNG gods are mad at me.

Checked forums for builds that don’t require much gear to start a crucible build. Commando, witch hunter, etc… come to find out that the community is waiting for hotfix. Quite a few of you have stashes that you can play with, but for a new person this is not the case.

So when I see a person that says adapt to the changes which means I cannot play cause I don’t have the gear, it annoys me to no end. To top it off, the changes on last patch where not tested. Meaning, though the devs used feedback and number crunching - they did not play the class through to see how it affected. BM pierce for example. You would think you would have testers hired or maybe offer as an incentive the expansion for free to help on this from those of you that have been around for a long time and know your stuff. I just don’t get this.

Just a little background about me, I lost both my legs due to a industrial accident. My friend bought this game for me to help take my mind of the accident. I have spent more time lurking in the forums to find what works than playing the game. This now becomes work.

The question now becomes why should I play a game that changes faster than I can level a toon. Is broken most of the time and is not tested which causes more issues. I am sure I will get flamed for this by others here. This is my feedback from a casual player that has enjoyed the game, but becoming frustrated.

Anyhow, rant /off


So when I see a person that says adapt to the changes which means I cannot play cause I don’t have the gear, it annoys me to no end. To top it off, the changes on last patch where not tested. Meaning, though the devs used feedback and number crunching - they did not play the class through to see how it affected. BM pierce for example. You would think you would have testers hired or maybe offer as an incentive the expansion for free to help on this from those of you that have been around for a long time and know your stuff. I just don’t get this.

As far as any of us know, the only testers Crate has are a handful of playtesters who do so willingly, for free. There’s about 3 or 4 regular playtesters, all who have thousands and thousands of hours put into the game. Not sure if you are aware, but Crate was basically founded by two guys working with back up funds chasing a dream. Hired playtesters are not quite within the budget when you are working with something like that…

Now, they are doing a bit better but I’m not sure they’ve grown quite enough to be able to support their team of devs and paid testers…

Username checked

Anyhow, pretty sure you’ve play the game in wrong way. We WERE ALL enjoying our own self build with our own self-found gear.

Now no matter how crap your build are, your are granted to PAVING IN the whole game for first difficulty. By then, you’d surely have tonnnnes of rare gear stashed in.

You’d then have another addiction -altholic- lotssaa alternate char with their propriate thematic build. Only they felt better than your previous.

Arpg are meant to be self-learn and enjoying right from the start, something something hardly chewed when i was with D3 over the passed years, another 3k hours with PoE. Every slash, shot, and magic spewed in GD worth the count. That’s what i love with GD.

Please, take those guide only as a guidance. Learning curve and failure (subjective) are parts of the fun with arpg.

My bet, your grasp on dissapointment far better than us in here, :stuck_out_tongue:

Clocked my 700h with GD only by last month. Dare i say, they’d easily triple if my offline steam session count. Please, feel free to join us on discord for better rant option. We’re all ears.

Aether and Chaos

You have been very much misled. The game is MEANT to be solo play. It’s a SOLO game. The entire game is balanced around you NEVER TRADING. It’s a solo game that tacked on multiplayer and trading, and didn’t at all balance around those.

So you leveled a character, that, WHEN you got to end game, would take some farming before you were doing really great. The character wasn’t wasted, it was just going to be time consuming.

Fighting Nemesis bosses is MEANT to be hard, nigh on undoable, for some builds, until you get really, really good gear. They’re called Ultra Bosses for a reason. If you could kill them with just anything you picked up, they’d be pushovers, and some still ARE pushovers. If your build can’t kill nemesis, that doesn’t make it some awful failure, it just means you need to farm more for gear. If you didn’t want to farm more for gear, then someone should have politely steered you away from this genre, where the entire point is farming for gear and making new builds.

You can play almost anything without having the gear at the start of it, though. It’ll be better WITH the gear, and you might need to swap some skill points around…But it almost all works. The very few things that do not work without gear are things built specifically around conversion items, and those specific builds all have variants that function without the conversion items, and can be respecced later if/when you get them.

So when people say, adapt to the changes…You CAN. Because you’ve never actually needed the gear. This game takes time, and effort, and some base knowledge. The third, read up on the wiki and forums and you’ll be fine. Time and effort, that’s up to you to put in. If you don’t want to, fine…But that’s not really the game’s fault, now is it?

If you’d like to skip past farming, there are various tools to use, notably GDSidekick, to skip past loot farming and just get the epics and legendaries you want. I’m told there’s various hex editors as well to generate items, if you need a rare and don’t want to farm for it.

So you have many ways to adapt, if you choose to do so. If you don’t, well, that’s your choice.

Nonsense. When you are maxed with gear/level aspect, it means you have travelled a long way and %99 discovered everything. If self-found then, unless you are a god of luck then the time spent on that gear is enough to discover game twice. If twink, then other characters should have been travelled a long way. Either way, it requires a lot of farming (especially different areas). Not to mention amount of time testing devotions/skill of the char while progressing. Even testing would be enough for discovery. In addition to all this, this game has no dynamic content generation (or very very little) thus what you see will be what you will see in the future.

2 characters are enough for reading (only reason 1 is not enough because Kymon’s Chosen-Order of Death parity.) game lore. 1 character is enough for everything else for “all” discovery content wise. Only diversity from this game is “builds” which means “animations and effects of spells”.

Shortly, one max geared with legit ways and without trading, it means it is over unless there is new expansion or other etc.

Still no hotfix yet…

My first character that beat Normal is still waiting to beat Elite.
Instead, I got a Legendary at the end of Normal and I built a character around this item.
This second character went up to ultimate but I was strugling in this difficulty.
I played some other characters. Only one that managed to go to Ultimate (mostly because I got bored by the others).
Playing other characters gave me ideas and stuff. So I often went back to that second character, to change an item, to change a skill, until I beat the game with it, then until I thought my itemisation was done (more than a year after its creation - and in a few month I will have to change it again u_u ).
That character is not exactly the one I expected to do at the beggining (there was some skills I didn’t really understood) but it is fun, it’s able to do most of the game (no, it doesn’t beat the mad queen nor glad 150) and it is mine (no guide followed). But it wasn’t directly at the state it is now. It has known many itérations.

You can’t beat everything on the first try. You can’t expect to loot every item you need. But every failure still make you progress. And you can leave a “failure” then come back to it later in order to improve it and finally reach your objective. :wink:

Blewstar > My first character, the infamous Saboteur in my sign, is a ranged dual wielding fire build built like crappy crap and since I only had this one at start I mainly farmed on elite when ultimate was too hard for me. That includes nemesis too, I unlocked the achievment of six nemesis beaten on elite, not ultimate, and if I haven’t tested much against them recently, it took me a long time (and another toon reaching 85 + farming) to makes it more viable. After all those hours, it finally beat ultimate “normal” content (killed the loghorrean and tackled most quests), although some stuffs aren’t really doable yet for me - mainly missing a few items like the full ulzuin set T_T. Anyway, I happen to change things here and there a lot and although I don’t have a comparison point, I’m pretty sure it’s vastly different from what I used a year ago when I started. Fine tuning to your style of play is the key.

That didn’t prevent me from enjoying the game because, yes, you can enjoy the game even without a full build that can kill ultimate mog under 15 seconds or whatever funny thing people post in the build section. Now I sit on almost every epic set, more than half of the legendaries in the game and I can pull out a lot of various characters easily. I usually faceroll elite difficulty (ELITE difficulty, you know ?) with new characters just because of that, and the last one that went on ultimate is really efficient (even if it uses bleed and pierce to some extent).

Reading the forum is really important, it helped me understand how procs really works, how OA/DA is used efficiently, what the fuck is going around resist reduction or other stuff like that. But I don’t really follow each and every build I’ve seen around just because I have the stuff to do it, different styles of play, different things we enjoy. I really take it as a way to gives advices and I even started writing one I’ll be able to post here one day (or not).

All of that didn’t happen in a day.

My only one advice would be this : if you find yourself really not able to tackle the normal content with your character, try to fine tune it again and again (devotions, skills, stuff, components, augments), then if nothing works, makes another one and build it differently. You can always come back later.