Grim Dawn Version v1.2.1.3 + Hotfixes

no fix for

HC char died recently, not sure if it was because of that or because my mind was drifting away how much better path of exile is, because it has music playing all the time unlike the boss fight i was in. so yeah give us finally the option to toggle music all the time.

guess i’ll revive this char since i can’t recall if i already used a health potion, so it should have worked, or if i didn’t and then it would not have worked… :rage: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Howdy :slight_smile:

Is it possible that after the recent update it is NOT possible anymore to spawn an item with the template “OneShot_EndlessDungeon” with its added skilltemplate “Skill_ChargedBuffOther” and “SkillBuff_PassiveCharged” OUTSIDE of the Shattered Realm ANYMORE? Or do i miss something here? Some tests already went into the failzone, which might be very bad for Combo Mod’s Grim Souls and Bookworm Buff :smiley: Some insights on this would be nice, maybe this is linked to this particular update note? →

Beside from that, stable update and thank you very much for keeping this awesome game alive! <3

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Thank you Zantai very cool now with 152% max speed on my ranged 2H infiltrator I can zoom zoom like the PoE zoomers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No fix for: Aegis of Menhir refuses to be cast

you might want to open that as a bug (not as idea / feedback)

We have no repro for this.

Did something break or are you just speculating?

No speculation, it can’t be spawned outside of SR anymore for unknown reasons with the named template, it can still be summoned via a spawnmonster with buffother skillusage, that works, but ONLY if the Shattered Realm portal has been opened. You can even bring the desired lua function for starting/opening the SR to the Grim Soul function to “cast” it on top in the same manor a Grim Soul is looted, that is working MOST of the time, but sometimes it does crashout to blackscreen :frowning: another problem with this “workaround” is, if you go into the SR with that opened portal and loot Grim Souls inside, you get into a loop of opening and closing the SR with randomizing maps even xD so atm i am not sure about what causes this overall :frowning:

EDIT1: i AM “pretty” sure the initial issue on this should be the template “OneShot_EndlessDungeon”.

That was an unintended side-effect. We’ll add a workaround for this in a hotfix.


Very NICE, thank you <3

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After updating to, healing rain still shows the same values for me as grimtools,
425 + 75% at max rank, not sure if this is grimtools issue and this actually is the new value, because otherwise grimtools devotions are still in old state.

Grimtools has not been updated to


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yes exactly, that is why i wonder if the change has actually been implemented, since my game is clearly in state, since i can see dozens of other changes have happened.

I noticed before that the devotions were already updated to the playtest, but the rest wasn’t. Grimtools issue. I guess it happened with the berserker update or something.

nice update :heart:


no, devo skills in grimtools have been using data since berserker was added. In real, healing rain was 260+75%.


Wow, Nosferatis gets 100% Elemental to Physical for pets! That’s amazing! Thanks! <3

Oooh. That explains why my health regen spellbreaker (yes lul) randomly got 6000 HP/s in this patch!

can also reproduce this on a second pc. x64 on windows steam. but like mentioned, only first time after game restart.

Awesome update. Loving the changes to SR / Crucible, and the many valuable bug fixes. Thank you Crate! :heart:

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The patch looks amazing, can’t wait to go through all of the reworked components and skills.

I hope I’ve not skipped it going over the item changes, so I make a fool of myself here…But there is something that’s been on my mind since change to make Wind Devil’s permanent - Mythical Spark of Ultos 's “+2 Summon” (instead of summon limit) didn’t make sense, but now it should be completely useless. Should it be Summon Limit instead?

Also, hello everyone and happy holidays!
This is a first post from a long time no-account lurker here.
Thanks for being such a great community, I’ve learnt a great deal on these threads.
Thanks to Crate Entertainment for the never-ending updates, rebalances and changes throughout the years. Can’t wait for FoA!