Grim Misadventure #107: Patch v1.0.0.7 Preview

Saying “just a few short weeks” only makes the wait longer ;):stuck_out_tongue:

Like always great stuff :slight_smile:

I really hope that’s the case. I would be COOL AF THROWING GRENADES AROUND :cool:

I am so hyped right now. I am looking forward to this!

Sign, Crate apart from the awesome stuff you keep pouring out - hence i am buying 3x all your stuff on GOG and Steam,

you seem to keep on the road to nerf (make nearly obsolete) something (items or build) which works for GD end game (Gladiator Crucible farming).

To say first that - i dont have full Markovian nor Warborn sets!

But i have been spending quite a lot of time and effort in order to get them so i can farm more efficiently and feel uber powerful - you know the point of all ARPGs especially off line ones.

Instead why not look into all the dozen sets which are total garbage and nobody uses, like ever (Valduion, Trozan, Ulzuin, Deathmarked etc.) in order to make more builds perfectly viable to farm Gladiator Crucible?

Can some heads up be given - should i stop farming for Markovian?

The removal of the energy cost of Possession.

Yes! Yes! Yes! and hell Yes! Did i say Yes? Imma say it again, Yes!

It’s something rather small but i’m so glad the energy cost is gone.

“the update looks over itemization to tone down some over-performing sets”

Ultos set definitely needs to be toned down even if just a little, it’s so much better when compared to some of the other endgame legendary sets. And this is coming from someone who has a Warder walking around with an Ultos set.

I’m sure Grava knows this, but make sure no copyrighted music is playing while streaming or Twitch will mute the audio on the archived records. :slight_smile:

So you don’t even have any of those sets completed, you don’t even know how much they got nerfed oir what got nerfed, but you’re worried about the nerf, to the point of asking if you should stop farming for the markovian set?


Well on 1 thing he is right : i would give priority to sucky sets buffing (for variety sake) over uber sets nerfing.

After all this is a single player arpg with ZERO competition between players, so why just not buff the underperforming ones to give us more characters to roll?

There is already the Warden’s Judgement for that, it’s about time the game got a pure-physical MI one-hander, which has been sorely lacking since the nerf to Kilrian’s Skullbreaker (RIP best looking weapon in the game, former BiS for the most common build in the game, now never used)

It would be really nice if we could farm this rogue like dungeon for black legion rep!

Great news as usually ! Thanks ! I am interested in “general adjustment to most Resistance Reduction effects”. Can you provide a bit more info about that Zantai ?

There has been buffs to underperforming sets every build since v1.0.0.4

Except for The Explorer’s Set :stuck_out_tongue:

But i agree with 9 here.

The little amounts of resists added, hp added to certain items in the past has made them more worthwhile.

As for build diversity the most significant change was made to the Myrmidon Set as it now grants a nice skill and caters to people who want shield builds (its granted skill uses Shield as a damage source)

Alkamos Set got a decent proc, though cold damage sucks (imo)

I am eager to play with the new roguelike dungeon and uncover all the lore. Hmm secrets i love secrets, did i mention that i like secrets?

I just hope Aldritch’s scepter is of some use to humanity, cause the stats didn’t seem that impressive to me

I hope Revenant’s skeletons got some buffs? :slight_smile:

Cold damage sucks because all cold sets and skills are mostly caster-oriented. Caster stuff tend to have CC as their only defensive measure (in this case - freeze), and most (if not all) dangerous bosses don’t give a sh1t about your CC.

I hope some day debuffs like freeze/immobilize/stun/reduced speed/… will make at least minimal sense against the likes of Fabius.

Bad idea imo. As it would make end-game easier

it all depends on the implementation. E.g. freeze on superbosses, if resisted, may add irresistable -speed debuff, failed stun may add irresistable impaled aim and so on.

i agree, i hope they don’t make too drastic changes regarding items and even more skills. the game is well beyond release, and while balance isn’t perfect (and will never be) the game should near its definitive state.

so yes, there are some OP sets (DM, Markovian and Warborn comes to mind) and given their rarity it’s not necessarily a bad thing. i hope Crate won’t make the same mistake than with Judicator’s here.
as for skills, i admit Grenado changes can be good (the skill wasn’t performing well, and Skyfire was already more a transmuter than a modifier).

tldr, a few changes are welcome but please keep them as rare and shallow as possible. don’t nerf good builds and sets just because they allow to breath to end game content, because some have to do just this.

as for the resy, i’m still as eager to enter Port Valbury as i was two weeks ago :smiley: