Grim Misadventure #108: Introducing...

There is an easy way to do that, buy 1000 copies of the game!!!

That will certainly help! :smiley:

It’s a Clone of John Bourbon Mastery, obviously.

Indeed. When I read words like “Inquisitor” or “Emperor”, I almost can hear a Space Marine saying “For the emperor”. NICE.

Occultist, Nightblade, Arcanist, Necromancer (second new mastery), Shaman, Soldier and Demolitionist in that order. Do I get a prize? :stuck_out_tongue:

Deceiver = Occultist
Mage Hunter = Nightblade
Purifier = Arcanist
Ritualist = Necromancer? (you said we met both already, and this is the only sub group, that and this is the perfect way to give us a cold/vit spec)
Sentinel = Shaman
Tactician = Soldier
Vindicator = Demolitionist

I seriously would if I could! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’m litearally shaking here, guys! I never felt so hyped before! Holy crap… and it’s almost exactly how I thought the Inquisitor mastery was going to be! I think i need to relax a bit after seeing this… :stuck_out_tongue:

So in this week update we will not get new masteries?

with the expansion next year. Now we will get some balance tune and a new rogaly…erm…roguelike dungeon.

the new masteries will be available in the upcoming expansion that is planned for next year.


Yes! Maybe by the time the expansion hits I will actually have played an existing class through Ultimate. ;_) Either way I see at least 7-14 new characters in my future. And thanks for the upcoming free update as well. Loving the game.

Awesome work! As expected from Crate!
8th class will be hangman for sure. Jarvis will still hate the player, tho

I’m Feeling maybe Inventor for the other mastery? So much tech and tanks laying around why not?

Or probably a paladin mastery based on the combo names.

cook mastery confirmed… just ask ulgrim:D

8-th class - ranger?

Is that a Wendigo getting electrocuted by the Inquisitor, by any chance? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hoping for something like the Spirit Mastery from TQ.

Nice eralduspr!

I guess we now know what’s in Ugdenbog

on the wallpaper you can see that the inquisitor is in ugdenbog, you can see a ugdenbog golem in the background

Is it possible for the devs to at least give the skill layout to the Grim Calc creator so that we can plan ahead? :):p;)