Grim Misadventure #111: Expansive Legendary Arsenal

Level 90 affixes already exist.

I’d love that scythe to be level 100 item

Will Steve Pardo compose some new music? I love his work, sucks that some of his tracks have never been used in the game.

Sick art :open_mouth:

That scythe looks fragile af tho, made out of dry wood and bones? ;]

All you lot guessing at the shortening mastery name, when you’re forgetting that Zantai never said he wouldn’t add to it. He only said he’d ‘adjust’ it.

“new features” oh my god this makes me hyped af

and lvl 100
another 15 lvls for me to make builds that don’t work or require equipments that i don’t have :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Good catch

  2. Also this for some Necro love :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Where is that image from? :rolleyes:

I don’t actually know. My guess is from one of the earlier friendship-annihilating Mario Party’s.

Only area that GD lacks in, is music, imho. Existing tracks are superb, but while quality is there the quantity is pretty limited. Would love some new tracks for Xpac, and also some new tracks injected in pre-Xpac locations. Quadruple the music! :smiley:

TQ was awesome in this part (and also had a catchy main theme through most of the melodies, +that sweeeeet metal version!).

I’d certainly never say no to a larger playlist…

If only it was so easy…

Just check up the recorded streams after (I’m sure you doing so already, tho :p).

…although twitch does have some trouble with chat replay, it seems. Some replies are just disappear (but pretty small %).

That scythe is freaken bomb yo. o 0o I need it! It’d be cool if we could get a one hand verity too.

Thanks Ceno - that is simply fantastic - hopefully 4 new Nemesis as well.

I smell indeed Gildam Aracanum vs Luminari choice for friendly factions.

As for the Music - indeed GD`s music is a brilliant piece of atmosphere creation bliss - willing to pay lots just so we can have few more hours of this in the Expansion and inserted in old areas.

@Crate, hopefully something on your list already? :slight_smile:

Yeah I think Z said 5 new Nemesis, if you count the beast one. Or was it 5 if you don’t count the beast? Not sure, lol. Maybe someone here have better memory than mine %-)

A couple of things we know:

1 Items already exist at level 90

2 We Know of least one character at level 100

Now these numbers make sense as we currently have a 10 level gap from max item level to max character level and an increase to 100 is just about right. It will only take about six months to level up (joke, maybe.)

Necrocook character will be Ulgrim, surely?

If my memory serves me right 1 friendly en 3 enemy factions. Currenly i’m on my mobile so i can’t see the stream chat replay.

We’ve not met anyone in the game with “psy” in their name/title and cook is obviously a joke.

Necromancer is utterly banal and expected and it seriously conflicts with Kymon’s Chosen.

So is it Bloodsworn? Or Something-blood/Blood-something? If so it’d probably have a lot of bleeding skills which we really don’t need a whole lot more of.

I still think it’s Deathmark and this whole name shortening thing is just some troll job.

Looking awesome, as always.

  • edit

Dark Lord Zantai is just trolling us but the clue is there… trolls

I think you have nailed it. the new mastery mighy be based on trolls… and think of someone we have already met before with the same affiliation … could it be Elsa? the troll hunter? :rolleyes:


Yup, last new mastery is “the troll”.

When you select it GD turns into 2D sidescrolling arcade, you will have only one quest: “reach Elsa and take her as your bride”. Starting out in Broken Hills you have to run’n’jump your way all forward to the Homestead, squashing aehterials and troll bride-hunting competition alike. Then you reach Homestead, and, after epic battle with settlement defenders, get a message. Something along the lines of: “I’m sorry mr. Troll, but your Elsa in the another enclave!”.

Rince and repeat :stuck_out_tongue:

ps — the optional nemesis boss would be Ulgrim, if you find a secret tube shortcut near Deadman’s Gultch.