Grim Misadventure #114: A New Thing...

Aether/lightning have very good support. Same for aether/fire. You could convert elemental to chaos, aether to chaos, chaos to aether, fire to aether…

Thank you for adjusting the classes names. Ritualist fits right there with Shaman, and obviously Apostate is a better choice for Inquisitor, just as I was saying.

Looks more of a Saboteurthing to me :undecided:
Also the set has a design flaw, i made a threadabout it, and hope something is done about it

And 2x Nex/Ortus (whichever one is the cold sword, nex i think) would go perfectly with Reaper class combo for Cold/Vitality :wink:

But yeah i’d love me some Aether/Cold/Vitality support (kinda bummed out we don’t have any word on cold support yet)


Never mind what i said about cold support. Fucking hell! New class is the best damn class i have ever seen

Important question… Can we get the full Inquisitor and Necromancer masteries revealed a little bit before release? Half the fun for me is plotting new builds, and then making them to see if it works… So being able to plot builds a week or so in advance would be pretty fun. Maybe the last Misadventure before the expansion? Though IDK how well the current theory crafting tools can support it. Grimcalc and the GrimTools one might not be able to until the files are actually released, which OFC you can’t do until the expansion.

It was a hypothetical example. There shouldn’t be an expansion class that roflstomps everything, and if there were, that would be pay-to-win as opposed to pay-for-content.

Being able to pay $6 to grind out an extra constellation worth of devotion points puts that player a full constellation ahead of someone else who doesn’t spend the extra $6. That’s pay-to-win-more-easily, to put so you won’t all nitpick and let the entire argument fly right over your head on purpose. My concerns aren’t personal - I have the Crucible. I just don’t think it’s a good design with the massive “loophole” you can drive a truck through in place. It’s not bad that you can farm devotion points, but (a) you have to do it early (because cost scales with TOTAL devotion, which I don’t think was a good decision) and (b) you can’t do it without Crucible. (a) is bad design IMO, but (b) is mildly pay-to-win-more-easily, and is the worse oversight of the two. Ideally, I’d like to see a patch that addresses both concerns. (a) might be tricky to fix because of the data structure of old saves, I don’t know, but I still would prefer changes. (b) should be designed to match the cost curve of Crucible, so it would need to be designed to reflect changes in (a), if applicable.

This is irrelevant. Anyone can learn C++ and program any game. No need to talk to developers about anything ever.

Look, the vanilla patch is canon, and should be well-balanced and well-designed as they can manage. If you you don’t believe that, then there’s no point in talking to you about anything.

The vanilla version of Grim Dawn lets you pay $6 to easily grind out an entire constellation worth of bonus perks at the start of the campaign. It’s not an obscure exploit. “Intent” doesn’t matter at all. It’s a totally obvious and simple optimization that anyone can observe after playing a few times. And I think it’s a design that could be improved, and I made suggestions how earlier in the thread. (The point about “grandfathering” things in was a technical concern about how it may be difficult to decide what to do with pre-existing characters if a modified Devotion system were to be introduced.)

It’s not broken to have access to extra perks, but the reality is that someone who spends $6 less is going to be one constellation weaker at each stage of the campaign before Ultimate. That’s pay-to-win-more-easily. I’m not just buying content, I’m buying easy early access to an extra constellation on every character I make.

I feel like I’m repeating myself and that people are intentionally not getting the point because some fans simply refuse to understand even mild criticisms of a game that they like. I’ve tried my best to be clear from the beginning, but if it goes in circles again, I don’t think there’s anything more I can accomplish by repeating myself.

There’s been so much “lol, it’s not mmopvp and you can mod, no one cares…” in response to everything so far. Maybe there shouldn’t even be a forum if nothing matters…? Does it make someone dumb if they express informed opinions about game design?

I think they preview the skill trees

Yup your going to run into that where ever you go. This place is still better than most forums.

Dunno about that, for the arcanist and shaman releases we got 0 information on modifiers and only some info on various skills, nothing about numbers at all. Just a basic outline.

So, highly doubtful you’ll get much more than that as it would be quite a lot of work to post more than this:

watch the latest dev stream for some info…

Edited by Zantai: replaced with high rez not broken versions…

Dem Placeholder Skill Icons though. XD

I do wonder if that is indicative of our new total point count though. If it is, we could start revising our existing builds now to plan for the expansion. Would be nice to know.

I should probably start a new thread anyway. I was technically replying to a side comment from the devs, but it was a side-comment. If I’m feeling nice, I might write a clean and diplomatically-worded email to the devs with a proposal or something. They’re great, but I think this needs a fix. The end.

Glad someone sees where I’m coming from on the frustration, whether you agree or disagree with my design sense.

You’re right time to delete the forum

The opinions aren’t informed (though i understand where you’re coming from), this is a single player game with multiplayer features and from a single player point of view the game is pretty balanced.

Also, this thing you pointed out isn’t broken in any way. It’s not an exploit, i just feel like you’re overreacting to this

They do care about multiplayer which is evident by the major component changes they introduced to solve aura-kill bugs. But what you suggest is completely unnecessary

And as for the fan-base not being able to take criticism. You can experience that everywhere.

yeah, you are sooo far ahead from that, totally breaks the game… :rolleyes:
I never even bothered with that, shows you just how much this is pay to win.

At the end of the day you have the exact same number of devotions either way, you being ahead by one constellation in Normal and Elite (and part of Ultimate) makes next to no difference.

I can see where you are coming from. Personally I disagree a bit…Simply because, crucible or not, you still have the exact same upper limit to your power as I do. It’s not adding power or anything. In some cases, it does make early leveling a little easier…But it’s already trivial, so there’s little to no reason to do so. If you really want trivial, then do what everyone else does…Use the EZ leveling skill all classes seem to have. Devouring Swarm, OFF, that kind of thing. If this ADDED power, or if it made reaching 85 faster/easier somehow in the later portions of the game, ie late Elite or Ultimate, THEN I’d want it changed. As it only helps with Normal, and only until around act 3-4 IMO…I don’t see it as being worth their time to change.


Very nice! From this picture we can “guess” the various ranged WPS (top), the Flames of Ignaffar that can be turned into chaos (AAR icon), the cold runic traps (Grasping Vines icon), the Storm Box of Elgoloth chain lightning (PRM icon maybe?).

yah I had issues earlier, but I won’t bring them up here. People do hang onto a certain word or phrase then their eyes gloss over whatever else you write. I can see where your coming from, but as mentioned I think its somewhat over reaction considering what your getting vs what you paid.

Back on track, the new masteries have great potential well done Crate. Hopefully I will enjoy them one day.

With them moving towards 3 skill bonuses for higher level Legendaries/Mythicals, i imagine Mythical versions of Nex/Ortus could also incorporate skill bonuses for Necromancer.

Not sure where i should do this but here is my reaction to what was previewed about Necromancer-

1. WPS Necrotic Edge-

Vitality Decay support
And Cold support

2x Nex Reaper build (or was it Ortus that was the cold sword?)

2. Drain Essence-

Love this skill, unique in it’s own right
Aether/Vitality synergies feel awesome

Endless Thirst modifier seems kinda interesting

3. Ravenous Earth-

Description makes it sound like a corrupted fissure. Poison/Vitality skill screams Cabalist

Nice to see a new Poison source (looks weak though)

4. Ill Omen-

Unless the “Reduce enemy damage” is more than 1 second it won’t be worth investing

5. Spectral Binding-

Looks awesome

6. Master of Death-

Pretty sure this aura is under construction (more so than the others) due to lacking player benefits (besides %OA and Resist)

7. Reap Spirit/Wraith-

My video quality was shit but it appears to be using a new model

8. Bone Harvest-

Animation is awesome

Skill itself feels like the love child of Tremor and Lethal Assault. It feels a little awkward tbh, considering it’s a class ability i was hoping for something better.

Cold/Vitality seems nice though

glad to hear that, makes a lot more sense.

Think we fundamentally disagree on what pay to win means.

By going into the Crucible first your do not end up with extra Devotion points. You are still restricted by the same Devotion cap as everybody else. You gain absolutely no advantage for end-game farming of loot. At best, you have a slight edge in the early game, earned by grinding out the Crucible to collect enough Tributes to purchase those 5 points, which in itself takes enough time that I genuinely question how big of a difference it really makes for leveling.

Some people justify it by not having to complete Devotion Shrines on Ultimate, but those have a decent chance of dropping Legendaries, so seems like a moot effort in the end to me.

As I’ve said earlier, we do not consider this to be an issue, and we certainly do not see it as pay to win.