Grim Misadventure #114: A New Thing...

I thought I saw changes to the stash that will be coming. Will there ever be an unlimited stash (ex. as a DLC?) for those of us that like collecting all of the unique items? I know that there are tools available, but I would feel more comfortable using something from the devs that is naturally integrated with the game.

I’m curious if this is a possibility in the future or something that will never happen. Thanks!


Unlimited (even as pay to buy tabs), i highly doubt will happen. What we know right now (iirc) is that we will get 1 more transfer tab, and 4 more personal tabs with the xpac. :wink:

{blink} I don’t suppose there’s a video of the stream archived somewhere on YouTube or the like, is there? It sounds like the dyad names were revealed (you certainly seem to be associating Cabalist with Occultist/Necromancer), as well as the names of the skills.

At the very least, I want to find out the names of everything that isn’t a transmuter. Inquisitor and Necromancer alike (it sounds like you left out some Necromancer modifiers in your spoiler).

Hmm, something that was kinda expected (given that the other new class was also something we have seen around in Cairn), but perhaps ill-timed, given how Diablo III is introducing the classic necromancer as well now. I am curious about the summon skills - Og’napesh’ Revenant was amazing, imagine having an army of those.

Thanks for the POV. I don’t 100% agree, but I don’t think you have to worry about pitchforks from anyone either way. It’s good to hear based on your weighting of the perceived merits. “Pay-to-win(-more-easily)” was a bit of an overstatement, but the only word I had on hand.

It would be interesting to see what top speedrunners can do, and whether Crucible is included in the strategy or not. If the goal is to hit 80, for example… well, maybe you or someone else knows what the fastest strategy is? For the sake of concreteness, let’s say we’re using self-found loot on hardcore Veteran, and your run is finished when you hit 80 with maxed Devotion. What would a good speed runner do? I suspect maybe however many devotion points would make up for the most out-of-the-way shrines. (The Mogdrogen quest, mainly)

This alchemist sounds cool. And could relate to the arcanist’s science. I also would be intrigued by a ‘mystic’ class that is mostly a support mastery in that they have benevolent and boosting abilities. Kind of like a light jedi idea, but I usually think of a mystic as not a sort of “kill everyone who is my enemies” type archetype so it would seem weird slaughtering ARPG style, but I think it could be like Nature in Titan Quest more a support mastery.

Speedrunners do not utilize the Crucible. It was tested a bit and found to be too slow.

Powerleveling to 85 it doesn’t really matter. The early levels are so easy to acquire anyways and 5 devotion points will not greatly speed things along either. The brunt of leveling comes from farming Hives and turning in Ultimate-level quests, which reward an absurd amount of XP. Without touching the Crucible at all, one can reach 85 in as low as 14 hours (for a few particular builds), averaging around 18-22 hours (for everything else).

I think is significantly easier to add masteries that are already in the game’s lore when they go beyond the classic archetypes. Because of this, I would imagine, if we ever get a second expansion with more masteries, a lot of other misadventures saying we’ve met the masteries. That’s why I’m going to keep and eye out for possible NPC-only archetypes in the new act, especially the more elaborated ones (we don’t usually think about this, but we had a LOT of information about inquisitors and, naturally, about necromancers as well. It was kinda obvious that they would eventually become masteries).

If you do the single mastery to level 40 join kymon and pick necro thing, does it lock you out of Kymon’s in your next difficulty?

I think you could just avoid talking to the emissary.

Finally! The Necromancer looks more awesome than I thought it would, and I’m loving that WPS “Necrotic Edge”. Class names sound awesome too.

You guys make fun classes Crate, keep up the good work!

Necromancer… I feel let down because I was really hoping for a holy warrior with the expansion. But now I’m beginning to understand that the Inquisitor IS the holy warrior. That’s as holy as it gets. There are no forces of light in Cairn. Empyrion is a myth and his acolytes in Kymon’s Chosen aren’t even following the god they think they’re following. Bring on the Inquisitor then.

Not just them. Occultists literally draw ALL their powers from one of the three witch gods. And Shamans have multiple skilks based on their faith in Mogdrogen. How much holier can you get than Mogdrogen’s Pact? You make a pact with your god, so that he grants you greater defenses, the protection of a god… That just screams Paladin IMO.

Necromancer isn’t really a surprise, but it’s all in the execution and we’ll see how it goes. The duration system with bonus duration on kill sounds sort of like a pet/totem halfway sort of thing (I also don’t miss the corpse farming hassle from D2!). Until we learn more about cooldowns and mana costs, it’s hard to know exactly how such a thing will play in practice. Of course you’ll be able to shun summons and play as an evil drain tank instead, or maybe some sort of weird and suicidal vamp-mage. I guess melee Nightblades would also feel pretty good about health steals piggy-backing off of stuns and invincibility windows.

If you didn’t want a Necromancer, then you’ll have to content yourself with combinations of the other 7 masteries instead!

Maybe the latest reveal would’ve held more suspense if Necro had been announced first and Inquisitor were left as a surprise? Oh well. I’m pretty sure wallets have been bouncing off of monitors for months now. No signs of slowing down, either.

I’m curious what, in particular, Inquisitor brings to the table for pistols. A vanilla dual-wield passive tree would be nice I guess, but a little more spice wouldn’t hurt.

Menhir is a thing. You just wouldn’t know because most (all? Nah, justice set is ok) Menhir gear sucks.

Good point. I don’t use shields, so I forget Menhir is around…And technically Oleron, I guess. If the Three are witch gods, then Oleron can probably be counted as the war god people pray to him as, even though he was once human.

A few posts back screenshots of the mastery were shown, although with placeholder icons. Doesn’t show much.

It does show for inquisitor two passive on the top row. The placeholder items suggest one for duelwielding melee and one for duel wielding pistols. I’m guessing they work the same as the duelwield unlock if the nightblade (passive % increase of damage types)

Freezard’s most recent WR run uses it briefly. It’s only a tiny bit faster than when he was doing it without it though.

Not a speed runner, but I use it on all my chars.

Make new char
Level to level 8 (more or less killing the reanimator and
Side quests)
Enter Crucible
Do Crucible until lvl 18
Enter campaign, get talisman from rover elder quest
Reenter Crucible up to 10 devotion points
Enter campaign - easy devotion points from act 1 -> unlock tier 3/4 constellation.

Probably not the fastest method, gives me the idea the start is more fun as you have mastery and devotions spent enough to have a build direction.

I dont really post much on the forums because its not really my style. I plan on making a n in depth post chronicling all of my thoughts on this game eventually, but after this announcement, I felt compelled to say a few things.

I love Grim Dawn. Its my favorite game of all time. I have been playing since alpha. I have over 800 hours logged on around 20 or so characters. I have been hyped for every patch and every content update. There was literally only one thing Crate could have done to make me fall more in love with this game, and that was to add my absolute favorite RPG archetype to the game: a necromancer class.

I applaud the manner in which Crate interacts with its community, as well as the sincerity and honesty with which it makes changes to and develops the game.

To describe myself as jubilant in light of this reveal would be a gross understatement, but I lack a more appropriate adjective. Thank you so much to all of the folks at Crate for giving us a necromancer. I cant speak for anyone else, but you have made me personally extremely happy. I await the release date with bated breath.