Grim Misadventure #116: Arkovian Skies

Artwork looks as awesome as the rest of the devotion tree. Hopefully some competition for Tree if going the defensive/sustain route with devotions from reading the flavor texts.

I’d say Matron alternative to Obelisk, Ishtak alternative to Tree, Rattosh maybe Aether or Vitality? Mirage maybe a Shield as granted skill (“wards”). No clue on Ultos :rolleyes:

Not bad, Zantai. Not bad.

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bluffff , Incredible

These are just absolutely gorgeous! :rolleyes:

Really hoping that this lady gives me the power to cause small area earthquakes that deal Physical/Internal Trauma Damage.

Love the artwork on these :slight_smile:

Lightning, healing, physical/defensive, magical (elemental?)…

Wonder if Rattosh is pure chaos, would make sense since they could be become corrupted by the very being they’ve fought against.

There are living breathing worshipers of Ultos? Will we be able to meet them? I’d love to meet them.

Arguably Shamans are devouts of Mogdrogen and him, so yeah, play as a shaman and you probably worship Ultos by default.

otherwise all the art for the constellations looks amazing, Ishtak looks especially beautiful, and Vire looks badass.

Nice, can’t wait.

Btw is Vire a lady? Because I see C-Cup shines so brightly in her. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty stars, what do?

Okay got a clearer picture

-Matron, Ishtak will probably be defensive constellations considering their position amongst defensive constellation (both are next to tree of life)

-Rattosh/ Attak Seru will probably lack significant Offensive ability bonuses cause the southern part of constellation map (Leviathan and Blind Sage lack OA)

Rattosh and Attak Seru are next to each other and are b/w Blind Sage and Leviathan

-Ultos is placed somewhere around Abomination, so i’d expect OA bonuses considering that part of the map has some nice OA bonuses

I hope none of them have stupidly high affinity requirements and have shit returns likeBlind Sage

I really hope that they go through and work on some of the original constellations requirements. Some of them are ridiculous for what they give. I’d also like to see (hopefully) them rework how a few of them proc.

I am definitely looking forward to the new ones though and what they add to builds (or make new ones)!!! Hyped!

Can’t wait for the expansion. Been playing this game for only a month or so and am quite addicted to it already. Spend more time looking at different devotion and class spec builds than anything else. Bring on more theory crafting for new builds.

Is it bad that this was my first thought? :stuck_out_tongue:

Good stuff, nice work :smiley:

Awesome, artwork looks really good. Man I really hope one of these new devotions is gonna be aether based with a badass looking offensive proc

Are all these constellation new ones or they just replace some of old ones??? :confused:

New ones

No replacement

Their approximate placement

Humm so 14 new ones …niceee…:smiley: