Grim Misadventure #116: Arkovian Skies

It’s another Monday following a Monday, which means it is time for…Grim Misadventures! Last time, we peeled back the layers of Necromancer reveal art and took a direct look at the Legendary set that made its awesomeness possible. Today, we will look to the skies…the Arkovian skies to be precise.

In ages past, at the peak of the once sprawling Arkovian empire, a pantheon of celestial beings was believed to have watched over their chosen people. These godly beings bestowed powerful blessings upon their followers, shielding them in times of need, and bolstering them in times of strife. Or so the stories go.

Today, the clouds have parted, revealing for the first time ever new parts of the Devotion Sky. Behold the five Arkovian gods, in all their celestial glory:

Attak Seru, the Mirage
Attak Seru was the matron of spellweaving, the protector of those daring enough to wield magic. All Arkovian rituals had the symbol of Attak Seru inscribed within the runic circle for precaution; but not even her wards were enough to stave off the effects of the necromancer’s curse.

Ishtak, the Spring Maiden
Many in the era of Arkovia would turn to Ishtak in times of need or healing. For all living beings are the children of the Spring Maiden, and all shall find comfort within her gentle embrace.

Rattosh, the Veilwarden
Concealed in shadows, the great guardian of Arkovia watched over the veil between realities, ensuring that no evil would ever escape the spirit realm and wreak havoc upon the living. When the Arkovian Curse spread across the land, it was Rattosh that the people begged for a merciful end, but none ever came.

Ultos, Shepherd of Storms
Ultos was the lesser of his celestial brethren in Arkovian lore, but nevertheless remained a powerful symbol, for it was his rains that allowed the harvest to grow and his lightning that caused unspeakable destruction. Somewhat ironically given his status, Ultos is the only Arkovian god whose worship endured beyond the fall of the empire.

Vire, the Stone Matron
Commonly depicted in Arkovian lore as the matron of the gods, and thus the mightiest, the Stone Matron represented Cairn itself, the fortitude and strength of stone, unmoving against even the greatest odds.

These Constellations will be coming with Grim Dawn’s expansion as new Tier 3 options, along with 9 other all-new Constellations. What powers do you think these divine beings have in store for you?

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 05/01/2017 for our next development update!

Attachment: Attak Seru.jpg
Attachment: Ishtak.jpg
Attachment: Rattosh.jpg
Attachment: Ultos.jpg
Attachment: Vire.jpg


Awsome !!!

god constellations :D:D

finally new constelations!

Simply beautiful.

What Constellation do I spec in to get a hint toward the expansion release date?

Ishtak and Ultos hype!

No celestial power description? :cry:

The Crystal Ball.

Calling it now, Mogdrogen and Ultos are the same

Awesome artwork

Really love the detailing on the constellations

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


so many new constellations… so little points… how to spend the 5 new ones? :rolleyes:

I kinda love you but hate you at the same time.

Awesome stuff

exactly not fair :cry::cry:

Ishtak will be the first new constellation that I’m going to try, and the one I plan to go for on all my characters, just because of her cup size!

I even have a build thats named: Ishtak’s Revenge :rolleyes: it even uses it’s lvl 60 relic: Aegis :smiley:

Ishtak would be like Tree of Life imo

Ultos, Shepherd of Storms- lightning/electrocute and pets?

Attak Seru, the Mirage- Elemental?

Rattosh, the Veilwarden - (Oddball, no clue)

Vire, the Stone Matron - Retaliation or Physical or both

Just my guess


not much info about ishtak :stuck_out_tongue:

So Mogdrogen = Ultos?

I am aware of that relic

The only place i ever used it was for a party based Mogdrogen tests

Single-player doesn’t need Aegis imo

EXCELLENT ART AGAIN! THANK YOU! (shouting in hope they can hear me down there in the pit)