Grim Misadventure #124: The Ashes of Malmouth

Such attention to details, such great graphics. Good work, guys!

Thanks for another sneak-peak, Zantai. The hype is building!

The new art assets look terrific as well :slight_smile:

got a nice grim feeling to it. i love it

snip-its of lore and great screenshots, awesome :cool:

Wow i am really excited! Those screenshot look sweet!

Inquisitor Creed and the Legion had believed Malmouth to be a lost cause, completely overrun by the enemy and devoid of survivors,
but circumstances are about to change
. You will have to find out for yourself when the expansion is released later this year.

Ooh yeah put another hint in for use to speculate.:rolleyes: Either it is the presence of Theodin Marcel in that area or something else, that circumstances has changed. Already my brain is in overdrive for the lore. If it going any faster it will exceed the speed of light and go into a different dimension.:rolleyes:

More urban environments is great, only had Valbury with a similar theme. Looking forward to more aether clouds and floor :wink:

To me it looks like a battleground after or before a fire swept through the city.

You have evidence of a tank in the third picture, some railroad type system in the first. Most likely the Candle and Steelcap District were hit hardest with fire and gunpowder usage. Then you can add the aetherials coming in with explosive creatures while both sides are using spells, guns and whatever else on top of that.

The level of destruction looks fine to me - if Malmouth is bigger then Port Valbury (which I’ll assume it is) then it makes even more sense having a larger populace with the possibility of a greater military/policing presence.

Don’t forget that old Arkovia is in ruins, due war among the noble houses.

the details of this wreckage look amazing, my mouse arm is itching!
is there some place that can offer me some cryogenic sleep so the next thing I see when I wake up is the expansion?

Afraid not. You’re just going to have to freeze yourself the old fashioned way. Don’t forget to tell a buddy to wake you up, though.:rolleyes:

Malmouth looks great, @Crate! Really looking forward to this expac.

Absolutely great ! A LOT of details and a LOT of rubbles. Very detailed, fine details. Really great work. Thanks !


Fast approaching…

Great artwork as usual folks, love the detail. You really need to think of publishing an “Art of Grim Dawn” book when you eventually get a bit of free time. :wink:

I am excited. Trying to finish all of the achievements before it comes out but I doubt I will.

I have forgotten the story but i hope Inquisitor Greed does not send us to rebuild that mess of a city and advance his selfish pursuits :eek:

paint it red and make it a ch’tonian expansion - red 'unz go fasta! :smiley:

Seriously, give it to us already please:cry::cry::cry:

oh very nice localizations

AWESOME DETAILS! so retro Wild Wild West!!! Nemesis Will Smith awaits us :smiley:

Yay, more urban environment :smiley: It certainly has a Fallout vibe, as somebody said in the comments. At least, it seems so to me. Which is great :slight_smile: Will be exporing it as much as I can :smiley: