Grim Misadventure #126: Main Views

That about sums up Zantai. Cruel. :smiley:

i’ve been sitting here for the past 5 hours waiting for something magical :confused::confused::confused: and yet nothing happened

The problem with waiting for something magical to happen, is that you don’t know when it’s going to happen. Nothing to be confused about. :smiley:

:eek: somebody was going to start a riot, im ready to join them :eek:

Omg, people, if you F5 any more, this post upload is gonna take literally days. :stuck_out_tongue:

Arise(起来)! Ye who refuse to be slave(不愿做努力的人们), with our flesh and blood build up our new great Wall(把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城)…

HE IS ALIVE:rolleyes:

A new burrito food truck rolled by and Zantai couldn’t resist, pursuing it like a predator pursues his prey. Unfortunately he locked himself outside without his keys or his phone, in his haste for the chase. Hence the delay.

4am here f5 f5 f5 must see it before I fall asleep 11!!!1!! :rolleyes:

looks like he’s creating a very heavy post with many attachments… seems like a recap of all the misadventures we’re getting today:cry:

Meanwhile I was all like

Well, the trailer is up on FB ‘release sometime in October’

It’s also up on Grim Misadventure #127: Impending Ashes.

The lightning armor looks crazy good.

So … does this mean we … may just see katanas? :wink:

Nope… no katanas. Here’s a consolation prize with a nod to thee katanas