Grim Misadventure #127: Impending Ashes

You’ll have to buy the expansion, it isn’t included in the Steam Loyalist Upgrade.

From the Steam Loyalist Upgrade store page:

note that this is an upgrade and so it is priced significantly less than the website Loyalist, since it is only an add-on and does not include the game, future expansion, soundtrack or other materials.

So I watched the trailer again. Does it seem to you guys that graphics are better than in the base game? Because this looks like the image is clearer than before.

Really looking great, definitely looking like it was worth the wait. :smiley:

Where any news about xbox?:frowning:

I need this expansion! :open_mouth:

Took the words right out of my mouth there buddy :D:D Thank you so so much for this incredible game, Crate :slight_smile: 2517 hours and counting…

I can’t wait! This cannot come out soon enough. And I still have not finished the game with all my planned mastery combinations… :smiley:

Minor grammatical error near the end of the Inquisitor description :slight_smile:

October is shaping to be one very busy month. :smiley:

Awesome news! Thanks, Crate!

Grim Dawn, Borderlands 2, Titan Quest

October :confused:

That’s exhausting to wait :cry:

Is the cost of expansion different for Regions? For example, it will costs 17.99$ in Russia, or it will has another price? :confused:

I was messing with that and noticed that Aura of Censure has lower damage than the Nightblade’s Veil of Shadow/Night’s Chill. I know that the damage is only sightly lower but i think that Exclusive Skills should have some punch to them that makes it worth putting 50 points in the mastery bar. Maybe throw in some percent weapon damage (25% maybe 30%) to it or add in more disruption/debuffing to make it more appealing. Veil of Shadow/Night’s Chill has a very similar function (disruption in the form of -25% total speed and debuffing in the form of lowering resists) and damage value to this skill and doesn’t require near as much investment.

I’m not saying that this skill needs to be better than the Nightblade’s but that it should set it self apart from it a little more. I think that by adding a weapon percent component to the Aura of Censure you can utilize it in ways that you cant with Veil of Shadow by making use of weapon procs, such as chance to confuse, X% life reduction, or just to allow more variety of damage.

Just my 2 cents but I hope you consider this and I hope to hear what everyone else thinks.

I think the price will differ.
I live in a third world country and most steam games are considerable cheaper if your live in my country

“The expansion will be available for purchase right here on our website and on Steam, GoG and the Humble store.”

Groovy, more money for you :smiley:

Erm, will we be able to purchase a gog key from here for this expansion?

I am of the excite. By the way, new music confirmed or is that new music just trailer music? Also, if new music, is it the same composer? I hope so!

I live in a 2nd world country and although some games are considerably cheaper the intermediary, contractor licensing companies directly go to the publishers and cut a deal with them.

While some games end up being really really cheap but most of the big name games that come from mogul companies end up being even more expensive than base U.S prices.

:open_mouth: in Oktober! What a nice announcement and a really cool exciting trailer there!

I apologize if I sound weird or creepy, but I love you guys from Crate! I love the armors and shields and weapons, they look super awesome, I love those bosses, especially Chtulhu.

Game flows so smooth in the trailer. Too good to be the truth. Unless the optimization has finally arrived.