Grim Misadventure #131: A Look Back at 2017

Thank you, Crate for the hours and hours of fun. :slight_smile:

Still waiting for at least a “search” functionality for crafting
and an unlimited-purchasable number of stash tabs.

Thank you for an amazing game. Hope there will be another DLC in 2018 :slight_smile:

Congratulations and thanks for this amazing game!

There is always something to be appreciated: a cool item, a beautiful texture, the colors in the landscape, how cool (or annoying) some monsters are, and the list goes on…

Thanks for this experience!

Can’t wait to hear more!!

AoM was awesome sauce. Absolutely hate Ugdenbog for all the right reasons. Very refreshing expansion, thanks. Can’t say I noticed the other stuff; I just got here!

Nothing new here, and that’s ok, you guys have pushed a ton of content lately. I’m taking a break till the roguelike, and I expect it will be a blast.

I don’t think a 1h ranged weapon is a great choice for the legendary screenshot though lol; at least imo that’s the most boring category of weapon there is. Literally anything else… :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s nice to reflect on the past year and all, but any plans guys for 2018 like when is the next expansion going to be released? :smiley:

Dont worry too much. The next expansion: Grim Dawn: Ragnarok should be out 10 years from now. Patience is the key! :smiley:

No, the plan is when is the next new project going to be released. :smiley: Which will be after the new rogue-like dungeon for AoM is released.

I found both boss infrequents, but oddly in-stash, the tentacly shoulders of the Loghorrean still look like Ascended Shoulderpads, oddly - they do have the correct graphics when equipped though.

Waiting new info about xbox one version;)

Congratulations! Grim Dawn has become quickly one of my favorite games of all time (along with Diablo 1 for example - I have no love for diablo 3).

I knew you guys from Titan Quest, and a friend of mine said: “Hey, you have to check this game out, it’s amazing!” and I’m so glad he and another friend insisted for me to buy it. It was more than worthy the money and I love that there is so many ways to expand still, I’ll be happily playing while waiting for wathever you guys are planning.

A big thank you and hope this year is great too!

I wish to thank you all for an excellent game. I have become burnt out so am taking a break. Playing TQ Anniversary and of all thing D2LOD mod Eastern Sun with D2SE.
Needed to slow down to my pace for awhile. 88 is creeping up on me and I’m not as agile as I was. After awhile, when I have finished with these will probably come back and give it a try again.
Best of luck on any future endeavors.

Good but when will new contents and balance patches come??? I feel that POE has better balancing and better investment than Grim Dawn despite being a free game. Necro’s WPS skills r still crap and I guess that new dungeon is still under construction? Btw POE will have a new balance patch (another one :slight_smile: ) in a month while Grim Dawn is still… vanilla??

not sure what you mean by vanilla, there were several balance changes already and at least one since the expansion.

GD and PoE have different business models. PoE needs you to keep playing to get money from micro-transactions, so for them making free changes is how they (hope to) make money, for GD they are just costs without a benefit as there are no MTs and you instead buy the game once.

So you should not compare the two in that regard. I would expect to be the last big patch because of this, but I might be wrong, it’s not like I have any insight into this.
I also think that the support GD has gotten so far is better than that of most games (not counting ones with subscriptions or f2p for reasons mentioned above)

Just gonna repeat what Mamba said but those two games have completely different business models.

PoE has to constantly update the game to keep players in it because they only make money through microtransactions.

Grim Dawn technically doesn’t need updates because Crate already has your money. The only reason they update the game is because they actually care about their players and want to improve the game.

So, expecting constant updates, at least at the same speed as PoE, is completely unrealistic.

As Zantai said in the live stream last night and in the dev stream thread too:

“For those that missed the stream, the big takeaway is that the upcoming roguelike dungeon, The Ancient Grove, and the accompanying patch v1.0.5.0 are coming later this month!”

Ashes of Malmouth was v1.0.2.0 iirc and there was one hotfix and a small separate update. Then there was, and updates. Then we had with updated Crucible and a hotfix for that. So how you can say the devs aren’t updating/fixing/patching I don’t know. I make that 7 updates to the game since the expansion came out in October, almost an average of 2 updates a month.

Literally wat.


But yeah, literally what the heck do you mean? They keep balancing the game. They’re always doing stuff, and you’re the only person that doesn’t see that.