I need/want this.
This is an amazing feature.
I was expecting auto-loot components…
I still am.
Then you expect in vain. From Friday’s stream:
:we’re not adding any auto-pick up”
I take it that the price is based on item level since 75k is a lot with everything else one needs to spend money to, like xp potions.
Now all we need is a truck parked at the riftgate to drop ALL the loot for some iron AND some iron from heroes besides the repu reward.
A definite QpL if your wallet can afford it.
Not sure if they are new components. The flower looks like a updated artwork for ugdenbloom, but than again it is Crate that likes to tease us.:rolleyes:
Anyway the new feature looks great!
That’s too bad. I’m still hoping for a special loot bag on your character where components go when you pick them up.
Yep, this would be great.
Loving this, I don’t trade and mostly play solo and sometimes start fresh all over again.
Features like this will make my game much more rewarding to play.
Does this mean I can craft as many set helms as it takes to get a full set via transmuting? Provided I can cough up the iron, seems like 150k per craft+transmute. (finally a way to spend millions of iron I got in crucible lol)
That’s what I’d like to know as well.
Hope that one the new features is the ability to reroll one or more attributes of items.
Are we breaking character? Can’t contain the excitement?
Let me remind you mortal that I run the Crucible. I have all the loot in the world, enough to hand out rewards to all of you self-proclaimed “slightly” “crucible” “demi-gods”.
Easier loot means less farm for you, mortals, hence less amusement for me. :mad:
Aw, poor Lokarr. We feel for you. Honestly, truly we don’t. Oops I mean DO!
Irrelevant information spotted. By the way, nice set you have here, hahaha.
Fixed typos for you, since I’m not a cruel master.
This feature is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Also +1 that cleaning the aetherial from Devil’s Crossing.
Oh wow guys just make the gear grind way easier, why not give out free sets entirely while you’re at it (largest sarcasm tag in the world goes here)
This sounds completely awesome. There’s a lot of builds I want to try that require specific sets and this will make that process infinitely less painful.
Consequently, were you able to find the helm blueprint but had no luck with the rest of the set? Farm up the materials to craft additional helms and Transmute them to the other pieces!
The OP would seem to suggest that you can.
Edit so as to not triple-post: Will you be able to make MI set items from this? Say for instance, could I convert a set item to an Alkamos ring? Or could I convert one Alkamos ring to the other one?
I’m whole-heartedly against D3 (and I have no idea if they have anything like this as I quit that game a lil before the Auction House faced extinction) but I’m all for this particular mechanic, and I suspect a large majority are as well. It makes all kinds of sense and all the people who have spent thousands of hours trying to complete a set are assuredly breathing a sigh of relief. @Zantai is right… GD is tremendously generous for drops but when it came to set completion it fell short. This was the last great hurdle in this area for GD and I’m glad Crate was paying attention to the conversations concerning it.
Not that I doubted they were. I knew it was just a matter of when, not if.