Grim Misadventure #135: Quality of...Sets

There’s 28 mastery combinations + 8 single mastery classes. So I guess you’re about half through?
Though I imagine some of them are very similar, but then you can play a single combination in different ways (melee, ranged, caster, pet, dual wield, 2h, shield) and using different skills, with certain combinations favoring certain ways. So I’m not sure what’s the real potential for truly different builds in this game. But it’s probably more than I personally will ever be able to do.

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Of course players approach the builds differently - high kill speed, high survivability, crucible viability.
For me it’s more about finding cool items and thinking “hey I want to make a build for that”. (I try not to look in the grim tools db to much, to not run the surprise, but sometimes I can’t help it. So for me it’s more about having a build that is fun to play. And probably my builds are nowhere near optimal, but it doesn’t matter so much.

Anyway, the way it usually works is that I’ll play the game for a while until I’ve had enough, take a break, see that there’s some new content or patch, then I start again, usually with a new char.
Back in early access, I played a while, but some time after full release, I basically started over. I made a pet Conjurer, played until somewhere in Elite. After the next break, when Port Valbury was released, I played a 2H Warder and got Crucible, played until Ultimate act 3 and was done again. My current pet Cabalist just finished Elite AoM, we’ll see how long it lasts.

So I never made it to the end of Ultimate so far, but I tend to take my time, full clearing all difficulties, this may be a reason for why I have enough of the game after a while, but I can’t help it, in that way I’m a completionist I guess.

Now I’m not sure what’s the point of what I just wrote. I think I’ll be playing GD a lot more (within this on - off cycle that I have, and it looks like I’ll never run out off stuff to do.

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Oh, hell yeah! Exactly what the game needed. I found it difficult to want to keep playing after farming for hundreds of hours but not completing any of the sets I wanted. It made making a new character seem like an endeavour in inefficiency. I had no guarantee that I would be able to complete the set in time to be able to use it, or even at all. This compelled me to feel as though the character would just be inherently weaker than my main who had already struggled through the periods of having bad gear. I would increase my chances of attaining the missing pieces by continuing to play efficiently on my original character instead of rerolling to an inferior one.

I have 1500+ hours played, of with 800+ with my bm, which was my main char, and which is the best option for fast farm if u far a specific MI for ex.
I use to farm solael sect pants in act 2 it took like 1min per run-2max…blitz-shadow strike - chaos strike - run like flash to ur target and kill it restart.
As for sets or specific items…i for one if i dont have it and dont find it after 2-3 days of farming, i trade for it.

I do understand the pleasure in self find - but i do not have time anymore to play like that…even though i would like it if i would.
Even so…i like to emerge in the game…and trade is very normal…when actually need something…wasting time waiting for it and not finding it might steal the pleasure of actually using it…or when u find it u might not have the same excitment to play it like u did before…

I have my bm full stash and all stash bags of self found items, as on my pyromancer…but half of the items i have on all chars…are traded…

It’s a game after all…and i want to enjoy all that it can offer in a not that long period of time…im not gonna start trading for a new full set after it comes with next expanstion/update…but if after maybe a max of 1 month i wont find the complete set…for sure i will trade…and i hope it will not be just 1 set :slight_smile:

to those who are wondering what the next misadventure would be like: well Zantai hinted last stream that they’d showcase some new areas of FG. :cool:

Can’t wait! I love their design and artwork. Really wanna see what they can do with a desert setting.

Yea he teased a rather large squidlike boss, I’m stoked for this new game mode!

Correction: It’s a hentai boss but I’m quite disappointed that it does not resemble a red caterpillar:(

that is, not FG

Yes how many hours until release ? I really wanna play (for) something new.

This transmute thingy is awesome! Just what I wanted to have. Saves me hours of frustration in getting the last grmblsaefthxhrrrg pieces of some set.

Goddamn yes! :smiley:

500 /10chars

Nice! Good news

:(:o:cry: so is actually FG ? faaaaaaaaaaak the multiverse…anyone got a time machine ?

so Zantai has forgotten something today :cry:

Gotta spam that f5

I think this one is going to give some info about the upcoming patch. Like the 3 new sets :wink:

well the new sets have been showcased already during the dev stream so, I guess no.

Some environment art iirc.

Thanks. This is a very good solution.