Oh man, that’s so nice.
Now I am really pumped and eager to see what else is in store. That feature alone is a massive addition in QoL.
Oh man, that’s so nice.
Now I am really pumped and eager to see what else is in store. That feature alone is a massive addition in QoL.
1 each month wouldn’t hurt brrraaaah
I suggested this long time ago but since i am bad boy and not ass licker like others it was " bad " idea.
This is needed at most in first expansion not the last. Already lots of hours are wasted on duplicates… It is too late.
“Latest”, I hope.
Is it “that time of the month” perhaps with all these “bad boys” coming out of their closets?
Better late than never, but besides licking I also like to two-hand the Devs and Pretorians.
care to provide a link to where you suggested it and it then was ‘shot down’ ?
I have not seen this brought up and getting a negative reaction by the majority (some people complained about this in the latest misadventure too, which would rule out the *licker explanation for why they do so…)
And there I was wondering if we were ever going to get someone to fill the void left by good ol Grohuf. You even got the “accent” thing going so consider me excited.
Still, those are some big pants to fill. Hope you’re up to the task.
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“Let me call others who disagree with me ass lickers. That will surely make my point more valid!”
IMHO, I think Grohuf did a much better job. I think Serimert has failed big time.
IMHO - means I’m right of course. So perhaps that should be IROC?
Someone link me to Grohuf please.
I need to learn more about the man and the legend.
‘Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.’
I didn’t even know there was a search function. Imma look him up. Thanks Chthon!
For a specific thread Grohuf started: [thread=“37940”]Is this possible to change work of attributes?[/thread].
For all Grohuf posts.
He still posts from time to time. His best work was awhile back tho.
When are we to expect the next update or expansion ?
I might have asked before but cannot find where…
When it’s ready, nothing is even in testing yet so don’t get too hopeful for anything soon.
Check back on 04/16/2018 for our regular development updates as we return to our classic bi-weekly schedule.
There, next Monday. It was in the first post of this thread.:rolleyes:
For the expansion based on the announcement thread Grim Misadventure #133: Announcing…,
As for patch, not sure if a general date had been announced.
Best thing to do is watch for the next Grim Misadventures to see if there’s more info on it. The next one is due out on 04/16/2018.
maybe 2018 ? like in 5 days ?
And 2nd half of 2018 is like 2-3 months at least if not more so if the next patch is not so…complex…like bringing in at least some new content for us to do something new, no matter what, the game is mostly dead until then…
I have 18 chars now lvl 100…dunno what to do next…
Char #19, maybe?
There’s 28 mastery combinations + 8 single mastery classes. So I guess you’re about half through?
Though I imagine some of them are very similar, but then you can play a single combination in different ways (melee, ranged, caster, pet, dual wield, 2h, shield) and using different skills, with certain combinations favoring certain ways. So I’m not sure what’s the real potential for truly different builds in this game. But it’s probably more than I personally will ever be able to do.
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