I wish we could also have a way to re-roll a non set epic / legendary item. It could be made more expensive then this set transmute and should also not guarantee the end result to be an improvement (could end up with worse stats), to help prevent abuse.
This ability should come @ a heavy price: think higher then mythical relic heavy to help prevent further abuse.
the same set feature looks really great, the random set will be more useful early game when you don’t have much gear i guess (because good luck for finding the piece you want, especially if FG doesn’t change the lvl cap and we get even more lvl 94 sets).
i wonder if the transmute chance will be weighted (shoulders and amulets in vanilla had a very lower drop rate than other pieces - don’t know about AoM- i wonder if the transmute system will reflect that).
Is the chance to get a certain piece of say 4-piece set 25% or does the game adjust the odds based on what you are missing?
If not could it be possible to adjust the odds for transmuter only?
^ the market on hc is almost non existant. alot were forced to go Solo Self Found. while more people will play SSF from the expansion launch , there still will be trade (Exactly for this feature to be used)
I think its a good thing they dont balance the game around the top 1% players.
Maybe a good middle ground is to allow each item to be transmutable only once.
EDIT: Alternative solution - give transmuted items below average rolls. This kinda makes sense to me seeing how Darlet is jury rigging a shield from a pair of gloves. This would allow new players to easily complete their sets, and would also encourage people to trade for non-transmuted set piece.
I mean, if I have 5 justice handguards (and I do), I could literally just transmute each one over and over again till I had the entire set.
AFAIK, the problem with duplicates has yielded several happy side effects:
We have people like mad_lee & Rhylthar emptying out their stash for newer players. This has resulted in our community being the friendliest gaming community that I have been part of.
If GD is meant to be a MP game (and I don’t know if it is), having 10 copies of the same item literally encourages people to go to the forums to trade. I know I’ve made most of my GD playmates in this manner.
I don’t want this game to cater to the top few players, but nor do I want this sense of community to go either.
This only gives you a random piece and with random rolls, from trading you can get in one go the exact piece you want and you get to see the rolls before you trade for it.
GD is made as a SP game with MP as optional extra
Edit…anything that “encourages” trade because of an advantage of rolls I’d be very against, having my SP game gimped because I don’t trade…sorry not a hope
I don’t know, that would be way to limiting and would make the Feature rather useless than helpfull. I find the better Solution would be if it would raise the Price/Mats you need each time you use it on the same item(thought even there have to be an Hardcap of Rising the price).
Terrible Idea. Because:
That’s where you make an mistake. Crate stated it clearly often enough, that their Focus on Grim Dawn is on the Singleplayer-Part. I mean i get where you come from, because i also share the Opinion that Hack’n’Slay proft the most from it Multiplayer-playbility, due it’s add an Layer, which wasn’t known back than for such Roguelike/Dungeon-Crawler alike Games… so if an Hack’n’Slay want to use it’s full Potential, its due the MP-Part. That’s something which i stick to, and i don’t care how many people want to disagree with me, they can’t change that.
HOWEVER, if i look at Diablo 3 it also shows me something else, that one of the biggest Strenght of this Genre is, that it is also “playable” “offline” and “singleplayer”. Hack’n’Slay isn’t meant to be an MMORPG’s so it would be pretty dumb to limit or restrict SP features simply for the sake of the Multiplayer-Community. So to sum it up, the greatness about HnS is that you can play it Solo and MP if you want too, and your Idea would only benefit MP Part… only for the Fear that it would Hurt the Community-Economy / Trading(funny thing this Discuss reminds me of Dark Souls in an similiar matter). I mean think about it properly, if this new Feature would kill the Trading-Konzept, the Trading itself of GD wouldn’t be fun that much anyway. And for an Game like this where you can basically cheat everything want to have an Trading-Community, tells me that People are having “Fun” with trading. And if that is the Case, than such an QoL Feature shouldn’t influence that much the Trading-Community, because in the End if you want a specific peace of gear, it will still be easier / more fun to get if you trade it…
The thing is(if i understand you correctly) that the thing you wish for, would be to “cater” the “few players” because accordingly Crate most people who play GD play it in Singleplayer…
I mean, i can’t say for sure, because i don’t trade in GD fo Reasons, but if it’s like other Games i would say that also the Trading-Community can benefit from this QoL Changes. Because in most other Games Items have an different Value, which makes it sometimes harder to trade, if you are pretty unlucky with your Selffound. This Feature can give you an Second Chance to roll something usefull for Trading, even if you don’t need it for yourself, and it also makes it a bit easier for big Traders to get on Hot Stuff to trade, so it even should smoothen out trading itself. And based on how it is handled with the Materials, and how rare the Materials are, it can give these more Value as well…
Like I said, I didn’t know GD was meant to be a predominantly SP game.
In lieu with that, I’m totally, and 100% on board with this QoL feature.
but if it’s like other Games i would say that also the Trading-Community can benefit from this QoL Changes. Because in most other Games Items have an different Value, which makes it sometimes harder to trade, if you are pretty unlucky with your Selffound. This Feature can give you an Second Chance to roll something usefull for Trading, even if you don’t need it for yourself, and it also makes it a bit easier for big Traders to get on Hot Stuff to trade, so it even should smoothen out trading itself.
However, I disagree with this completely. The only real tradeable items would dwindle down to a small pool of non-set purps (I’m looking at you peerless eye of beronath), GG rolled MI’s, and the always-in-hot-demand mats.
I would have ZERO incentive to trade. The moment I find a recipe for a helm of a set piece, all I would have to do is patiently, and tediously farm the mats to craft X number of helms for a X-numbered set, and transmute each one of them over and over again till I have the complete set.
Lmao. A friend (marzuk) termed these items ‘helm-crafted items.’
That doesn’t automatically follow that others wouldn’t still trade and you’ve already given one good reason why some people will still trade
Plus as I’ve said before, with trading you can get the exact item you want straight away and see the rolls on it before deciding to trade.
I really don’t see your “the sky is falling” scenario for trading, it’s not as if by having this in the game everyone will only ever use this and not trade…hell some people might do both
Not to mention that this isn’t a free service and unless you’re incredibly rich, you’re not going to be able to simply keep transmuting until you get exactly what you want
GD just keeps getting better & better!!! COULD you make us a pet that does nothing but loot all within a set range with possibility of more than one loot pet?
I mean well, if you look it at this perspective, than Trading would be not working to begin with. Because if you are patiently and farm tediously, you also could simply grind fo the Item you want…
You could grind over and over again until it’s dropped. The thing why Trading works so much for such Games, besides the “Fun” Aspect, is due selffound and grind is pretty Time-Consuming. With Trading you don’t have to spent hours and hours grinding for an specific item, and like mentioned already with trading you can actually see what you get, while if you reroll an Item and even if you get your Piece of gear you want, it still can be an bad outcome.
You shouldn’t ignore that fact, that this Quality of Life improvement also adds an extra layer of grind. Even more if you want to Craft an Set Item and than Transmute it.
Would it? Because i find it pretty speculative. My Argument was more like, imagine you have this one amazing piece of gear, and it only drops 1 out of 100 of People, than you would have with a playerbase of 1000 players ONLY 10 piece of such gear. With 10 Items you can hardly call it properly trading because the Item is too rare(thought it will higher the value) than imagine this Features higher the chances up to 10 out of 100 - than you would have 100 such Items for 1000 People and that would means more “trading”.
What i want to say is, that if you have more access to Items, you have more for trading, and makes trading more fluid. Also it will alows normal player to trade more often because they have valuable Items as well.
Of Course my whole Point has one critically Factors which is important as well “Balancing” because if in my Example the this feature would make it 100 out of 100 to get this Item, then there would be no sense in trading. But no-one can actually judge it now because we don’t know exactly how much effort and grind it takes to transmute…