The UI seems greatly improved, I love it!
Thanks for the update! =)
The UI seems greatly improved, I love it!
Thanks for the update! =)
To be honest, i think there’s a lot of wasted space in that UI. The mini map should be movable or at least have “selectable location”, the location marker should be something that’s at half opacity under the mini map. I do not need to see the menu buttons all the time, they should be possible to hide. I’d also like the option to make the ui transparent, the stand out colors of the ui takes away the focus from the actual fighting.
What you need to see when you’re fighting is resources, skills, map and a tiny exp bar. Everything else is just clutter. I know you guys would like a more classic ui, but we live in an age of high resolution, non invasive ui’s, please make it so.
You know, this is probably just in the screenshots when the game is frozen and your eye is drawn to the UI, but in combat, I doubt the UI would be as invasive as you say
Anyway, I love the UI Crate! Sharper, cleaner, and classic!
Cheers for the update,
Loos great for the new HUB and the screenshot too…
It’s kinda new to have the mini map attached together with those Hotkeys.
And can we zoom in/ out on the mini map as well? Or it’s just a fix zoom!?
Looks gorgeous!
Looks promising! But maybe you can change font in health and mana bar, it’s look a little cheap. But great work so far!
Looking good so far
the subject of fonts have come up a lot over the years, the problem with fonts, there are only a few free ones, most are attached to one license or another, and be able to use them for a commercial game isn’t isn’t allowed unless you pay a huge amount of money for royalty fees. and you got to remember Crate is a small studio
as for the HUD, I really do like it, looks a lot better then the old design, awesome work, and keep up the great work you are doing
Thanx for the update and the bigger screenshots guys!
Thats really an ugly but cute rift hound… i hope we get to kill that cutie!
About the new hud… it definedly looks better than the old. Still like i said before, i think there are too many things going on right there. I would prefer a more simple UI. Ok heres a couple of opinions:
How would i like the new HUD?
Pretty much thats my 2 cents. And heres a rough mockup to show you what i mean:
It’s…not the greatest font ever, but I’m a little more bothered by how “shiny” the health bar is. It was easier to read the numbers on it before than it is now without so much pseudo-glare on it.
Otherwise, the HUD has come a long way over time and looks a lot nicer overall. The shapes of the decorative connecting bits tie everything together much better instead of all the separated parts looking like they’ve been thrown there in a pile. Someone actually built it with purpose instead of stapling a bunch of stuff to the screen. Heh.
And come on, guys. Gold? It’s supposed to look like a physical object. Anyone ever heard of brass?
Damn it man. Looks more and more like dream come true
Looks very good! Cleaner, stands out sharper, and has all the functions down at the bottom of the screen. I like it a lot!
I have one small request; rotation lock for the camera. If you have a free camera please make the map rotation toggle available.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Nice update, nice screenshot, amazing new hud. Loving it!
I like yours FAR better! I don’t get why people like the new HUD, as states bu Mihalis, there is just TOO much going on.
Why do I need to see the head of my character? Why does the map need to be in a non-standard position? Why are the bars scrunched up? Who do I even need a font for my health and mana anyways, I have two big bars that tell me what is going on quick glance?
Whoa . That’s really awesome
Really good stuff guys. I like it!
i like mhalis hud better, its more simple it works and just looks better. takes up less room and the mini map in better position
I would agree with these opinions. The HUD is very cluttered, making need-to-know information like health and mana hard to easily tell. It also makes it hard to tell which menu icons are which, although I’d rather not have them there.
HUD looks nice IMO, though I do not like the mini-map on the bottom of the screen. I think these work better in the top right.
I love the new HUD but what Mihalis showed is really awesome and I think better. The HUD is cluttered and seems like it would be almost a distraction at times.
I think keeping it simple and easy to read is the way to go. I haven’t played Grim Dawn so I can’t really say if the HUD is a problem at all but Mihalis does have an awesome idea
Not sure why there is an angry face. Typing on my iPod is a pain.