Grim Misadventure #165 - Bring them to Darkness

Awesome. This will bring me back to the game, haven’t played in… well, about 9 hours ago :wink:



This right here is why I keep buying copies of the game every now and then. Looks like I still have 2 copies of the base game I need to giveaway soon.

Keep up the good work, guys.


My Fangs of Ch’thon are ready!!!

Amazing stuff! I can not wait, give me another loyalist pack Crate!

wow those rings :o
So i suppose we getting it on December? :smiley:
(i hope there is lightning effect version #_#

awesome! great job guys

Fantastic! i was hoping for a misadventure about the upcoming patch and the roguelike dungeon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t wait to read the lore and explore the new areas.

Will that be the end of the #dead-build era at last? (also who and why do they correct deadbuilds to dead-build?!)

No, the #deadbuild era began on August 3, 2016, and it shall last eternal.

Cant wait to get the patch and play the new areas, Been hooked on Classic wow but I need my Grim Dawn fix so I can stream again.

You guys are awesome and I can hardly wait!

Looks like the Finger of Gar’Dalvur will be userful. Two rings to rings slot and one more to Finger.

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The new boss is very similar to Rattosh hmmm


Pure awesomeness. I hope it’s ready b4 xmas :wink: You all deserve a big “thank you” for all the effort you still put into the game. Greatly appreciated.

This is going to be a great Christmas. :smiley:

Keep up the great work Crate!

Awesome! I’m looking forward to the update.

Can’t wait.

Might come back for a bit and farm for these new items :wink:


The largest patch, yup you hooked me there. Can’t wait to play it!