Grim Misadventure #165 - Bring them to Darkness

Yes. You should Dikkie. You should join up on Discord with everyone sometime. Praet chat is great chat. :grava_yes:

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poison warlock

Guys I CANā€™T BEAR IT ANYMORE! 4 new dungeons and tons of other stuff? FOR REAL? Zantai makes me feel GUILTY! I must buy the loyalist packs now. There is no other way I can fight this guilt! :slight_smile: Gotten Grim Dawn for a couple of bucks. Laughable. Now we get huge free update again. TAKE MY MONEY ALREADY!

i got a power ranger vibe from seeing those 8 colourful ringsā€¦



These graphical effects are looking sweet. Want to see them moving, but i guess we have to wait for a dev stream? Or can we get a .gif :zantai:

Very cool, canā€™t wait!

Keep up the good work! Your game is amazing.

Wait 4 new dungeons and a 5th roguelike dungeon omg iā€™m so hyped thanks for everything zantai you are killing it :grinning:

Yeahā€¦totally killing itā€¦at making other people make dungeons. :smiley:


Cool. finally some salvation for dreegā€™s eyes.

Hopefully we will receive buffs to PRM as well.

So we might say youā€™re a dungeonā€¦master? Or Dungeon Keeper?

zantai is the rule book that gmā€™s consulted all the time.

Keep up the GREAT work guys!!

  • Just gifted another base-game yesterday :+1:

ā€¦okay, bring on the Loyalists Pack #3 then, buying in a second.


Impressive! Since i just finished Disco Elisuim (cannot recommend it more) you are giving me relevant reason to hop back to GDā€¦
Hopefully the lore and the new end boss will be instrumental to the already established lore and pantheon. With such an impressive backlog of gods/demi-gods to use we usually get some random no-name new comer as a boss (Grove`s bosses for example) - perhaps a corrupted Ulzuin as a secret boss in the new rogue like? That would be quite astonishing.

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The amount of changes and content in this patch is impressive. I never expected to see this level of continued development and support after Forgotten Gods, so thank you :smiley:

this amount of content could have easily been xpac 3 and I would still be all over it even without the 10th mastery.

Please take ur time to create an end boss that would finally challenge usā€¦ and donā€™t stop adding dungeons to the main campaign hehe

Cant wait to come back play again as D4 is already looking stale and disappointing smh.


This is gonna be an exciting December. :slight_smile: Thanks Crate! :heart_eyes:

Level of excitement: Overdrive

Looking great as always, does the final fight take place in a volcano? :grin: