Grim Misadventure #167 - A Look Back at 2019

My version is that they will expand the area or have some type of new dungeon or “something” new you need to do. Nothing as simple as killing something that’s already existed in the game forever and a day.

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Another possibility i just thought of is a bridge-defending mini-game. Why not

Well, it is also to be noted that, even if the bridge can be repaired at twin falls, the detonation site between Pine barrens and prospector’s trail is not accessible from Pine barren’s side.

My guess would rather be that repair site will be on Tyrant’s hold side. However, the purpose is unclear in that case. So, wait and see for now

Hope that place is teeming with Cronley’s Gang. It’s scary how long it takes to farm any sort of negative rep with those guys. It’s almost as if they like me and want to just be friends.


wouuuuhooouuu another hype train is coming !!!1

I do believe you’ve hit upon what we might be seeing with it.


Tho there is the probem that it comes after the Cronley episode… but they could easily make it an extension of their base of operations perhaps.

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Well, I don’t know if you remember it, but there used to be an area around there that was accessible from the Old Arkovia end iirc. Only went in there once I think. Maybe that’s going to be revived to give us a new area to explore and not necessarily access Tyrant’s Hold area itself.

Would be funny if we could build this bridge and end up in a side area that does not connect to Tyrant’s Hold.

I would like it as a shortcut to TH though

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Tyrant’s Hold bridge? Okay, okay…

Bridge that leads south of Devil’s Crossing???



Oh man more crunchy bits!!

Hype’d for sure Crate! Can’t wait to see what’s coming!

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Fixing the bridge by Twin Falls Rift to explore a new area?!


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Fire Forcewave shield please :pray:

Another great misadventure anyway, love the look of all the new weapons and 1.1.6 looks packed with exciting things as usual. Thanks a lot again !

2019 the pinnacle of GD evolution. The new FG expansion above all, including new completely different mode - Shattered Realm. Also new dungeon, new gear for us builders and enough changes to keep us busy.

So what I wish for 2020 is to keep game active and attract even more people to help saving world of Cairn! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Looks like a doggo to me so maybe it’s just +2 Summon Hellhound.


HAha the bridge can be built finally :smiley:

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Bridge troll when?

Should be a lot in the Old Grove section downsouth of Devil Crossing, where our bridge adventures continues :sunglasses:

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So you’re putting yourself forward as a candidate? Pretty spacious beneath bridges I hear.


Bridge Simulation 2020 here we come!