Grim Misadventure #169 - Frequently Infrequent

Yeah, there’s very few things I dislike about GD these days but the Warrant situation is one of them. If we gotta grind a bit to unlock Nemeses, sure, fair enough. But with Warrants having a drop rate of 20% (afaik) and ~8 enemy factions, having to grind out ~40 Nemesis runs per character just to unlock the Warrants that enable the less-grindy grind on your next character is a bit much. Admittedly, there are a couple of factions where Warrants probably aren’t as necessary because enemies are frequent enough that you can almost get to Nemesis just by progressing through Ultimate alone, but for the most part that’s not the case.

And with the advent of Monster Totems, getting to Nemesis feels less worth it than ever, since you can get amazing loot at a far faster rate simply by doing those…and they don’t even require a grind to unlock, and they’re literally everywhere. Sure, you can’t get Nemesis MIs that way, but I imagine totem farming can get you kitted out at such a rate that it shouldn’t take too long to get a character endgame-ready, at which point you can slowly start getting Nemesis MIs in endgame modes instead.

At least make Warrant drop rates 50%. Even higher (100% thx) would be amazing. It’s about time. :stuck_out_tongue: hype nonetheless tho. :grava_yes:


It is nice to see more love to MI

Looks great, Crate!

On a completely unrelated note, why is it called ‘poison and acid resistance’, and not just acid resistance? Other damage types don’t include DoT in the description. Just curious.

On high levels MIs usually drop with two affixes, but on lower levels you might just get a prefix or a suffix, but not both.

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Sa-weet! I have a Saboteur based around Fire RoS, so that new Vilgazor’s Heart is exciting!

Two things I just thought about :

  • I’m not sure regular MIs drop are in need of a huge buff (Korvan, Bloodsworn, Fleshwarped stuff and the like). You can easily farm them by the score and thus find a good one legit. Boss MIs are an entirely different matter and need the buff you described imo.
  • Removing of Spellweaving suffix would help. It just doesn’t work sorry, it’s almost a guaranteed garbage item.

Probably because you are less likely to think that Acid and Poison are in a such relationship <damage type, dot counterpart> than Fire and Burn for example. And least that’s how it’s for me. This is due to past games in the genre and also real life (Poison has such a wide meaning).

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Strange, i didn’t have such a problem getting warrants. The problem i face with factions is getting to Nemesis with Order/Kyros and bandits, they are such a pain i got bored each time before getting to Nemesis.

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+1 Same here :frowning: Getting Reps for those is a chore…

Spellbreakers are already close enough in my opinion. Push them too far and there will just be cries for nerfs. The rounds of incremental nerfs to inquis have drawn in the primary outlier, though I do agree there is a disproportionate amount of items supporting inquis and infiltrator vs other setups.

It’s hard to think of something for SLs that would both put them in a usable spot and boost breakers more than other masteries without being horribly contrived. They are perfectly fine as leveling items and vendor farmable items. I’d rather see something happen like nights embrace getting +1 arcanist to address breakers being more point starved vs infils. Again, I feel the two mastery combinations are already close enough and excessive tweaking would just catapult breakers to nerf-ready land.

Crate rules! You guys are awesome!

That’s actually pretty cool. Especially considering that some monsters have the chance of dropping one of three MI items, like the Basilisk snake guys. Currently it is an absolute PitA to farm for a proper Basilisk Mark.

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This news makes me very happy.
I spend more time leveling new characters than playing high level characters.

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You are in the first stage of what is called ‘altoholism’. The second stage is not managing to finish the game before making a next character. The last stage is only using Grim Tools/Stash to develop your characters. Altoholism is correlated with an increased risk of aggressive behavior in the patch notes threads.


Its hard to be in “first stage” when I have been playing since early access release with 2400 hours.

I just find I enjoy the progression of character building more than I enjoy end game content of looking for even better gear and trying to push what my build can handle.

Can an information be published how those drop rates actually look like? There was an app on grimtools that showed a chance of crafting Stoneplate Grieves with given affixes. If I remember correctly, crafting Thunderstruck or Stonehide SG of Kings was like 3 in 100,000. How did it change from that?

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It’d be nice if some of the skill modifiers from mythic items make their way down to the non-mythic versions as well.

MOAR skill new FX plzzzzzzz:star_struck:


No, it’s not. Believe me, it’s really not. :rofl: I’ve been in the second stage pretty much since the game came out in early access and have over 3,000 hours - and still in that stage.


These are only side effects. Main effect is the delusion of being all knowing :see_no_evil:

I think I passed through all the stages. But spent lots of time just leveling chars up to 40-50 level and then abandon them.

There’s also players like Maya, who started directly rolling with GD stash but this is rarity.