Grim Misadventure #17: Mini-map Update

Ave All!

Good UI!

Let’s produce MOAR contentz and kill bugz lordz !


the HUD and min map looks fine to me, now when is the alpha!!!

but seriously things seem to be chugging along nicely, I can’t wait to get my mitts into the alpha release

or to face that boss, and glad to hear he pretty much done!! as he will face my wrath (still not sure on what build I might play through first?) but heck, I can’t wait to face him and the rest of the game

can’t wait, and I can almost taste the alpha, and it tastes sweet!!

Looks good to me. I personally don’t care about the health bar/globe format or the UI in general as long as it isn’t blocking my view of the game. No popup text in the dead center of the screen every time I get a 5 kill streak please. :cool:

I for one appreciate bars more than globes because bars are more simplistic and are therefore easier to read without the need to really have to look at them. But ultimately as long as there are numbers on said bars or globes then I will be fine. Also why not just do a poll for globes vs bars?

I agree. I’m ok with the way the UI is. For the people who aren’t maybe you could have an option for UI scaling. Maybe it’s been suggested already, maybe you have thought of this, maybe you already have this…I don’t know. Anyway, great job guys! Can’t wait for the game! Looks amazing!

In all honesty the globes don’t really make a difference to me personally but just so everyone is happy it should be included as an option, good job so far though i love the mini map option and can’t wait for alpha :slight_smile:

I like bars. I like globes. I like having full health and whatever shows me that I have that I like. But to be honest, every single ARPG (with a few exceptions) use globes, it’s refreshing so see something different. And as long as the HUD is organized, which it looks like it is, I don’t care much what it looks like because I’m spending most of my time looking at my character and the mobs, where the action is. Hey it could be worse right? It could be the default WoW UI shudder.

Looks great! I really can’t say which one I prefer, bars or globes, I believe they both have their pros and cons. It’s easy to go for globes, because Diablo has sort of set that to be the classic thing for ARPG, but I also like the idea of doing something different. Sort of like stating this is the way it is in Grim Dawn, end of subject. And quite frankly, I believe which ever of the two you may choose, they both serve their purpose. If this is enough for someone to not try GD, that’s a personal attitude problem. Mini-map looks great too. It’s a little hard to form proper opinions without actually trying out the game, so bring forth the alpha already!

Just kidding, take your time, I want a good experience rather than a rushed effort, hehe. :wink:

It seems to me, if I read correctly, you’re saying that bars are easier to extend via buff… so if you give me +10% to health via spell/item/pixels it will be more easily represented/understood by that bar.

Also, if I recall correctly, there have been occasions where active buffs might have an associated cost from the top of the mana bar, let’s say, and that, too would be much more easily represented in bar form.

In other words, it’s easier to stack bricks on a tower (even a lazy one on its side) than a globe.

Yep, that makes perfect sense.

Looking forward to the game! Thanks for all your hard work! Bars are just wonderful!

I like the HUD the way it is. I think people get too caught up in every little detail and there really isn’t a reason for that. The HUD is sleek and compact, certainly does not project too far into the playing field, and fits the game perfectly. Globes are overrated - every game has them these days and I’m tired of them. Besides, I’ll be too busy fighting to be looking down at the HUD all the time.

Looks great and good job fixing the minimap thinga majigg :slight_smile: BUT I like having my things symmetrical and the hotkey bar looks very asymmetrical atm with the HP bars being on one side and emptyness on the other :confused: Adding Globes won’t take up more “screen space”, it’s only the middle section of the screen that affects me when it comes to this topic and Globes will only be on the sides, that is why you don’t take notice of them as much and for me this makes it feel more open and clear when you play.

Just my thoughts and I would really like an option to add globes( later in development ofc since it’s not a huge problem and I want to play the alpha :wink: ). Or maybe there will be mods that will fix it for me :slight_smile:

The best thing is : you can die because you took a screenshot :). It’s great !

Also : I like health bars. I feel globes are more, well, blizzardish.

Nice update I really like the solution for the minimap. I personally like the HUd as it is now (maybe the shine from the healthbar could moved a tad so it doesnt cover the numbers) but it gives me a nice feeling. I wouldnt break out the torch and pitchwork if you were to change to globes but I really dont see a need for that right now.
In the end you can always add a slider to switch between the two styles later on. :smiley:

I like the lob sided look. It’s not that lob sided. Something different :slight_smile:

Great to see the mini map in it’s new location

I would shrink the life/energy bars more to the left so they don’t pass the center of the screen. This would make it somewhat less lob sided. Anyway, the mod community can create whatever HUD people like.

looks good to me. The only thing I didn’t like was the mini map on the bottom but now since that’s fixed im ready to play. I prefer the bars to the globes. The globes take up to much room.

I find it really difficult to make any kind of assessment without actually playing the game. Have you found that the current HUD works well in giving the player the necessary information without being intrusive or distracting from the action?

The still looks good, happy to not have globes as they actually look a little absurd and although with familiarity judging health and energy levels becomes easier, it still strikes me a little as a solution that does not allow the optimum amount of accuracy.

Looks good.

One possible solution to not make it so lopsided: Have the health bar to the left, circular character head shot in the middle (with those icons) and then the energy bar to the right the same width as the health bar. If anything you could a tiny bit of artistic work like one of those golden gears to bridge over the character profile to either side of the health/energy bar.

This way the health/energy is expanded from the character (emphasis), it would be easier to tell how much life/energy you have, the UI wouldn’t be widened at all, and this would get rid of lopsided issue.

I don’t really care about either health bars, globes or how the current UI looks so long as the game plays well when the alpha comes to light.

looks alot better over the past ones i must say, biggest change ofc the minimap found it’s new home in top right corner :wink:

I urgently need to drink beer.