Grim Misadventure #174 - Shattered Keepers

idea for Loyalist pack 3: dawnshard items in moar colors! Red, Blue, Green, Aether green (cyan lol), silver, black, white, purple

Too boring and short-lived imo. Better make various multi-purpose illusion pieces.

that is what will be read on my tombstone one day


For all of the negativity here, come January we’ll probably be seeing some pretty powerful builds based at least in part on these sets. I rather suspect the wheels are spinning and grinding already. Looking forward to that.

The goredrinker set looks really hot, bleed Cadence or Vire are neat ideas and the immunity to bleed is a fantastic form of defence with those skills. The inquisitor support is odd since it does nothing for bleed beside basic support, it’s probably for the pierce part of the set, or some hybrid, what do you think of Bloodborer + Oathbearer paladin with this set @eardianm ?
Also I don’t get the phys>pierce modifier for Vire, if you want to build pierce Vire, you use a pierce weapon with armour piercing that already does that conversion, am I missing something ?

Hm, one more thing. If you guys actually decide to move Goredrinker’s amulet to medal slot, please consider adding bleeding damage to pierce Kalastor. Inquisitor has no bleed support anyway (unless you already fixed that as a part of the patch somehow, of course!).

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Bleeding Horn of Handar is on the way. It will be like ‘’ You play so awful that flute, monsters’ ears start to bleeding.’’


Yeah, almost forgot about that one =) So it’s either bleeding HoG or RoK, huh? Well, this tough decision falls on Crate’s shoulders now…

I really dont like the idea of moving Goredrinker’s amulet to medal. It will block the chance to use dual-wield pierce/bleeding 1H weapon with the set for example Reaver Claw + Aetherwarped Axe MI to support for Cadence (need free medal slot for Direwolf crest- i think thats the best medal for pierce and bleeding build in general). those bleding RR mod for WoP is really nice


Don’t forget Bleed Storm Spread!. Real gamechanger :crazy_face:.

Right, good point actually. I was just thinking that other two sets use medal instead of amulet, which opens a room for stuf like chaos DEE and aether Savagery.

Edit: Another thing that I didn’t notice is that the amulet gives +1 to all three masteries, while other sets - only to two of them. Hm, I guess I know why they made it an amulet then.

But maybe that’d be good with this set? =) Who knows!

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I’m really looking forward to starting a fire Saboteur with that Ember’s Calling set. Looks good!

I think that aether Savagery Ritualist will be doable but I am not sure it will be better than with Krieg. For aether Spellbinder Krieg will be for sure better. And with aether Druid who knows. It will be limited by no RR but I managed to make aether PS Druid so it could still be done but maybe going non set would be better.

3 piece bonus gives 100% reduction in bleeding duration. What does this mean exactly?

Means you don’t get murdered by reflect. And bleeding from enemies doesn’t do anything to you as far as i know.

So you can just go with -25 bleeding res in Ultimate and nothing will happen to you? Neglecting resistances is something we have never seen in GD. Interesting.


I think it caps at 80% reduction just like cc res

If it does, then the extra 20% is kind of pointless. Just like Possession’s skill disruption res. :scorv:


Was about to point possession’s skill disrupt res :smiley:

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