Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing

This thread shows how hard it is to be a gamedev, lol. many people asking for an increase in game speed, while I think Grim Dawn’s gameplay pacing is absolutely perfect. I would hate it if either GD or a potential GD2 turned into a zoom-zoom click fest in the style of PoE, D3 or even D4.

I think all such changes, that deviate from core principles according to which the original Grim Dawn was designed, should always remain optional.

I would like to comment on two more things:

First, really, the bumping of the chance that a boss drops its MI from 50% to 100% is all in all good. Those MI are often build-enabling, due to skill modifiers, and it is good to allow people to play a certain build without too much grinding. And let’s face it, if now the chance to drop it was 35%, you had to run the boss 3 times to get the item. That’s not really grinding.

There are two things about MIs that I think require a nuanced approach. First, I think it’s fine if getting really good rolls on the item requires a lot of grinding - say a hundred runs, or more. In that way, you could satisfy both the casuals (always get the item) and min-maxers (need to grind to get a really good version of the item).

Secondly, I recall Zantai mentioned recently that MIs will have a greater chance to drop with affixes that boost the damage type of the skill they modify. So, a Dermapteran Slicer will have an increased chance to drop with Superior or Puncturing. I think that this could lead to trivializing the hunt for them. I remember when I farned those Slicers, I needed 10 or 15 runs to get a Puncturing one, instead of Charged or whatever. And that was really satisfying! I think a lot of that satisfaction would be gone if they always, or almost always, drop with Puncturing.
The second thing here is that some skills have converted damage uses. So, an item geared toward Storm Totem shouldn’t always drop with boost to Lightning damage, because it would make it hard for players who use the Totem in a converted way.

The other big thing I wanted to say is to agree with something that someone already mentioned here: it would be good if we could have some kind of a visual upgrade. All in all, the game looks great - but, it looks even better with some third party addons (e g. Reforge of Dawn Reshade preset makes the game look much crisper, almost as if you bumped the resolution; I haven’t tried it yet, but some people speak highly of GrimTex mod, that remasters textures). Maybe it would be good to have some such improvement from the official source, because those are always better than mods.

I want to end with this: if none of what we suggest here gets implemented, the fact that game is still being worked on is fantastic, and the Grim Dawn gaming community really has nothing to complain about.


I remember Zantai mentioning reducing cooldowns of movement skills on the Discord. If Crate decides to do that, it will decrease this difference. I’m a slow player, use the speed up very rarely, don’t like zooming but I admit to having bias towards masteries with additional movement skill. I’d love if Shadow Strike worked with Ranged weapons for this reason (could deal 0 damage afaik).

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Always assuming you use movement skills of course. I don’t, but then I like the pace of the game as it is and prefer to have a different skill on my RMB than a movement one.

Yep, main reason I droped POE for GD some time ago. :+1:
Having some faster builds with double ms abilities is fine and all but turning GD into a zoom fest?!
Nahh… f*** that. :sweat_smile:


This is just awesome <3 am stoked, looking forward to it. Time to buy this for some more friends to try XD


You said you were done with this game… and I am so happy you aren’t.

As a more “casual” player (compared to people who frequent this forum) I love easier distinction of MI’s from other rare items, as well as guaranteed drops from their monsters. I never played with any mods, and I don’t need every bit of info on my screen, but more visible cooldowns and double rare notifications are cool.

One thing I’m not sure about is the max level scaling for difficulties being removed, but then again it will make it way nicer that you can just farm a MI for your current level on normal or elite before moving on to ultimate, if you are like me and finish the game normally on one of those difficulties instead of using the difficulty skipping item.

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It’s not the auras themselves that kill him - it’s the cascade of procs they start. I once managed to kill him with a single tick of Ulzuin’s wrath, leaving me just to sit there, watch the inferno unfolding and thinking to myself “fuck”.

Edit: to be fair, my biggest concern is probably cosmetic. I don’t want to disable all aura visuals, not do I want to see Whirling blades on my Ultos warder. Yes, I know this is a silly reason.

Hi there. 7 Year lurker, first time poster. Huge fan. 3,300 hours played, many more building, 95% achieves (minus the on one character craft 1,000 items, build 50 construct type ones I don’t care to do).

The number one most glaring QoL change I’ve always wanted to see over the years, after auto component pickup happened, is making the temporary buffs (Blood of Dreeg, Pneumatic Burst, Word of Renewal) permanent. The cooldown would still apply to reapplication for the heal.

Having to reapply buffs every 30, 30, and 24 seconds is just tedious. There is no gameplay or immersion gain from it.

I’ve played all class combinations to 100 in 3k+ hours…except Infiltrator and Deceiver. Having to reapply buffs every 30/24s for 100+hours a piece is a hard no from me. I tolerated Witch Hunter once because there is a single build that I use the neck and medal slots to increase BoD duration and it doesn’t interfere with the particular set bonus. But it was still tedious with a 4+ min and 24 sec buff, let alone two buffs with 30s or less duration.

This is a QoL thing that actively deters me from playing 3 class combinations, as well that it’s kind of annoying with even just one temp buff. I imagine I’m not the only one put off by this. In a game that revolves around managing constantly keeping RR debuffs up, as well as cooldowns, etc, there is enough to do. Having to continually reapply buffs even when not in combat is something that can just be removed and nothing is lost.

Please implement. Thanks Crate for creating and maintaining one of the best made games, in any genre, of all time.


Ah, yes. The so-called obsessive-compulsive gameplay model.

Please increase the size of the chests, or add more tabs.

It’s almost like when you continuously and persistently hear the same feedback maybe the design decision wasn’t a good one in the end… But such is life, I guess I’ll go back to playing SC so I can load up the personal stash.

Will there be a new bridge to repair? Asking for a friend.

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You’re right the game despite having a few years on its neck looks pretty good. But it would be nice to see in the update the gently boosted textures released officially by Crate. The GrimTex graphics mod looks pretty sexy but it lacks that original vision, that “claw” which gives GD the right atmosphere.

Any thoughts on reducing the costs to respec? Devotions are in a good spot but respecing skill points can cost up to 3 million bits and the potion to respec attributes is severely limited.

There are so many great builds to try. I’d like to see a potion that refunds all skill points and an easier way to get the attribute potion. Maybe make it drop every time you kill a nemesis.

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no idea what you mean by that?

what does that have to do with servers? it would change nothing, the game would remain the same, same quests, same items, same stash, same hoarding, same management ??

or there will just always be people that want more/different stuff?
if they expanded to 12 there would be people that asked for 24
if they expanded to 24 i guarantee you there would still be upset players asking for infinite storage or someother “sweet spot” non infinite tab amount :sweat_smile:


skill points hardcap at 15k bits per point
and you need to respec like 400-600 times to even reach that, which is an astounding amount of respecs
^if you’re respeccing that much you might want to consider just resetting the class with a tool (or make an actual new char for new dedicated build?)

how so? it works, you get lots for free, and it’s easily obtained if you somehow also manage to use more than you get for free (which again would be an almost incomprehensible astounding amount of resets)

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It’s literally becoming more dangerous because it’s no longer a measure of how fast you can fumble through your quickbar.

The game is meticulously designed around a certain game speed. That is not a hack we intend to make official.

Better loot, significantly more double rares, unique items that cannot drop on lower difficulty, special bosses…MOAR…



15000 per points x 248 points = 3.7 million. Of course you are not going to respec all your points every time but it is still not insignificant.

You get two attribute points respec potions per difficulty in ashes of malmouth quests. You can get more but they are a rare drop.

I don’t play with gdstash