Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing

Thanks for testing!
GC not working without GI was my experience as well. Never tested it without since.

Yes, pretty please.

With all the buffs the items have been having lately, the difficulty of the game has decreased. It would be nice to give the player the chance to choose to increase the difficulty of the game.

Veteran, as a difficulty label, is on point. I like it a lot.

Another thing that I believe would improve the playing experience is to decrease the time some hidden enemies need to get triggered and appear to attack the main character. I made a thread about this matter.

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As was mentioned above, this makes Lokar inaccessible without spending points at the Spirit Guide to completely remove damaging auras e.g. Aura of Censure. Please make this a setting we can opt out of.

Flameond Bleu isn’t a problem at all, he still follows you when he is way outside your aura range. I never turned off my auras when luring him, only dismissed my pets if I had any. Oversized Maggots on the other hand will definitely become a problem for many builds if auto-aura isn’t a toggleable feature.

I created an account just to say that I love you, Crate.


On the topic of automatically toggled-on toggleables and the corresponding visual effects. Currently there are exclusive groups defined over some of those (one example being FT/SW/IEE: iirc, the top of the stack is what’s displayed, although it could reshuffle on area loads). With no manual control over these buffs there would be no way of adjusting the priority (without disabling the visuals altogether).

Flamond has 163k±a few health, plenty enough if you didnt build full auramancer

Pretty sure Lokar can be reached without toggling auras, but we’ll make sure it’s still doable. We’re not going to make previous content impossible with a QoL change.


seems to be working well for blizzard tho :thinking:



A Veteran-like difficulty modifier for higher difficulties (Elite and Ultimate would br great

can…can we get some visual improvements?


What about at least increased stash though? As mentioned, there’s a lot more gear to find now, it’s a massive pita for HC - especially for levelling gear - and ‘just use an external tool’ doesn’t work for things like Community seasons, not to mention the multiple implementations out there in various supported states.

Having it in the base game just makes everything a lot easier, without going anywhere near the hoarding levels of ‘infinite.’

Sure, some people will always say it’s never enough, but I believe a lot of those who have sunk decent time into the game and/or level multiple characters (particularly HC) would say what’s there is definitely not enough.

Or add a components/quest items stash at least. Or in a game of many build classes, conversions and unique items, we should just play one char?

In addition to what Gnomish_Inquisition posted earlier, here’s a a couple more.

"The stash topic has been discussed (and answered) to death.

If you wish to have infinite storage, mods exist for that purpose.

The game has as much storage as we feel is ideal for the playerbase as a whole."


I will never stop being surprised by how amazing y’all are. Grim Dawn is that One ARPG that I always come back to, and receiving not just regular support for it but NEW content and such big updates even though you have a second project now is just incredible. I can’t express how happy I am right now :purple_heart:


While I am grateful for all the free support and updates, I am really not happy with most of the planned changes.

First of all, I agree with those who mentioned guaranteed drops. This is not only not necessary but completely against the nature of a Diablo-style, loot-based game.

Second, the change to Nullification trivilalizes the skill and renders enemies with the skill hapless nuisances instead of dangerous foes. If anthing, this should be a toggleable feature, and I would toggle it off instantly.

Third, the planned implementation of features from Grim Internals is a nice touch, but the ones suggested by the post are literally all of the ones I neither use nor need, while all the ones I actually use are not there. The most important one for me has always been the game speed increase.

Fourth, enemies on Elite already scale far too high if you own both expansions. There should be a reason to advance to Ultimate, and making everything scale to the player’s level up to the maximum level renders the point in all of this moot.

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GD servers incoming ??? =))) online coop play?

Not for GD1, no. Doubt it would happen for any GD2 either unless they make it so the game could also be modded.

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this already exists tho?
you don’t need servers for that

yep kinda troublesome to bug friends to login a game to stash gear :stuck_out_tongue: and then all of us left
hoarding n stash managment got tiresome :confused:

The Butcher’s Cleaver, Arkaine’s Valor, Griswold’s Edge… just to name a few that are guaranteed rewards in D1. Also Undead Crown, Veil of Steel…

Not at all. 2 seconds while swamped with monsters and your life leech already making your life bar bounce back and forth, losing part of your defenses can mean an instant death, meaning that you’ll still need to either build tankier or avoid as before. The way I see it is a well-deserved nerf to crucible performance, but then again I’m biased against that game mode, hah.

Honestly, having a stable way of speeding up the more boring farms would be both nice and a fun way of spicing things up for less “sleep-inducing” builds, and make defensive and footslogging setups a little less penalized compared to zoomy-zoom builds with 3 movement skills. I don’t know how much of a compromise it’d be, but exposing game speed in a configuration file would still let us speed up the game to our heart’s content without being “as official” as a part of the options menu.

I think making it part of the “veteran” toggle and making that toggle available to all difficulties (well, technically just elite, but ultimate veteran sounds cool too) would fit everyone the best, turning it into our very own “Covenant of the Champions” of the Dark Souls 2 fame. As for scaling on elite, the only reason to stay there is to farm Legendary MI-sets like Krieg’s, because otherwise you are getting less loot than XP, and XP makes you weaker and loot makes you stronger. That’s the other part of scaling monsters that people tend to forget.