Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing

my suggestion

  • easier to gain negative reputation of Kymon’s Chosen / Order of Death’s Vigil
  • Pet will be automatically toggled on when killed
  • Combine 10 components and 1 component with added random option is created

MOAR! the best ARPG keeps getting better!

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Great news! I am grateful for your work. Maybe we will see the “Wind Devil” changes, maybe “lives 118 seconds” instead of “lives 18 seconds” will improve the miserable existence of the wind. But it’s better to make him immortal, even if he becomes a little weaker. Good luck in your work)


Please add a reset difficulty option to Grim Dawn.
I am a perfectionist and I don’t like my progression to be squandered by a failed quest. When I found out I had an option to save that dude from besieged town and I couldn’t undone that - I deleted my character and played every quest reading through wiki, but this way of playing any game sucks.
Please add an option to reset a difficulty, so I could run through it without making mistakes with my high level character.
I also didn’t use many encounters because I was afraid it might hurt my character, for example where you can challenge a god.
Btw, what’s the good way of dealing with that cannibal village in the dark forest? Kill them or spare?
It could be cool to craft a potion of difficulty forgiveness.
Thank you!

That guy with the two kids in green town is a random coinflip if he joins you or attacks you. Best you can do is forget that he exists.

Barrowholm: join usually, except when needing to farm their cellar for wendigos and arcaneweavers.

Anyone can look up my history but for the past 6+ years i have been begging for a snow themed expansion or DLC or even a patch.

My god this would bring me back. I think the ARPG market is the hottest it’s ever been in years right now.


You are not the only one. I also have 3k hours in this game and i’m actively avoiding classes that have 2 of those 3 skills.

Since it is just crazy that we are getting those toggle skills passively now at this point of development (which is a huge,huge deal), i think this “issue” too should once and for all be fixed with this patch. It should be much easier to have it fixed i’m assuming.

this is already extremely easy; it’s in fact so easy you can get Revered with both factions on the same character during regular play, if you side with 1 faction on Normal+Elite, then switch faction on Ultimate
or if you use Mandates and Merits, side with 1 faction on 1 difficulty, then side with the other on another difficulty (total of 2 playthroughs/difficulty run throughs)

lets ignore that/i missed the keyword sry

as mentioned earlier you can delete your quest folder
*keep in mind it might interact unpredictable with certain “tokens”/background awarded triggers

this can’t really be done, because some choices are mutually exclusive, and some choices are not even choices, but random (like the guy you wanted to save in malmouth)

you can’t hurt your character/fail character in such ways, devs made sure of that progression wise, so all those encounters are optional and doesn’t result in negative outcomes
*unless you play on Hardcore and die to the fight ofc, since then character is toast

depends entirely on build
if you spare them you get access to their shop (blueprints and augments) and optional Ravager encounter,
if you go hostile you get access to Reaper Nemesis, and Namadea boss MI items in their basement
i would look up similar builds and see if those favour the shop for augments, or the Namadea MI(s)
if neither is used, then you can choose what you wish, and an example would again be to go friendly on 1 char, and hostile on another so you can farm the Namadea medal or helmet should you need them on other build

Negative means Nemesis reputation, not Revered.

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my bad :pray:

acording to leaks it’s in the works.

display FPS
display username

Zantai, do you plan to remove the visual effects of toggle skills with this changes? I’m not sure which approach would be better, but i feel like default toggle skill visuals are usually a clutter and makes characters a bit too blurry (the game already has a lot of light effects in combat). Also comes my mind the effects like Seal of Blades, is it ok to remove those effects or is it a bad idea?

Another question, i remember back before 1.1.4 when i use GI, i liked that it showed a text above my character when im CC’d. like “Stunned” repeatedly during the entirety of stun. It was quite helpful to notice the particular CC i had when there are so many effects going on screen. Do you plan on adding something similar? Like same thing (optional ofc), except “Stunned” text stays above your head as long as you’re stunned, could include “Invulnerable” while you use Blade Barrier etc.

you can already enable FPS display with the steam overlay, GoG galaxy, or multiple 3rd party tools

what in the world would displaying username do? - and how would that even work for GoG players that don’t have usernames tied to the game
*not to mention the game can’t even display certain characters/letters, which you can have included in your steam username, so that would just conflict too…


In fact, be sure to add a speed control to the game, it’s very slow on its own! It would be reasonable to give the opportunity to change affixes on rare things, let it be at least this, since there are no plans to make portals like GI. I don’t know, there is an auto-selection in my mind like in GI, when all the greens and all the rubbish are collected, and not just the components. I would also suggest making an additional paid (but inexpensive) DLC with the possibility of an infinite chest and linking auto-selection to a loot filter and pseudo pets from spheres. It’s good for everyone - earnings for developers, profit for players, and who doesn’t want to - can not buy this DLC, as I did with the Loyalis Pack (dull useless crap and expensive at the same time).

Are you sick boy? Why is there a very bad wolsen?

Lol-kai mom at home. You haven’t listed any real problems. If the developers need it, I will make a complete selection of all glitches, bugs and lags in the game, only I don’t remember such a desire from them!

Here you go


Ooh this is exciting! Lots of QoL! :smiley:

I recommend starting with Durg’s Den. Last time I went there it was full of bugs.