Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing

Farthest Frontier is basically finished. That survival game hasn’t been mentioned for a long time now.

Rly thought I read everything - could someone cite that 10-thing from Zantai for me please?

I like this: Reddit - Dive into anything

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“finished” like Grim Dawn is finished 10 years later? :wink:

Isn’t that what Shattered Realm is?

That won’t stop Crate to cash in on this time where ARPGs are extremely popular and especially when Blizzard is doing what everyone expected them to do(make shit). Plus the other games are still mostly just engine work afaik and likely they are still a long way to go. Farthest Frontier is soonish to come out of Early access too it seems. So it makes a lot of sense imo to supplement the income a bit with more GD stuff, especially since it’s been doing so consistently good all this time. I mean it still has about 4000 daily players online at the same time every day.

Yesterday on the GD discord.

My head hurts. :confounded:


Ok, so 1.2 is basically just a preparation patch for the new expansion pack :slight_smile:

I think we finally have to address the elephant in the room. The thing that plagues my mind whenever I play Grim Dawn. Indestructible bookshelves.


No, no, The bookshelves are fine. It’s those damned infernal ticking clocks that can’t be destroyed that drive a good taken to insanity!


Fully clothed corpses that yield no loot

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you can destroy those too :thinking:

i once asked for devs to add an achievement if we break like, a thousand? of them or something :grin:

I can’t find this comment of his. Is it from a private chat or he deleted it?

Was in the forum verified part of the discord.

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Not all of them… Clearly you don’t have an irrational hatred of those ticking torture devices :smiley:

what/where is there a ticking clock you can’t destroy? :thinking:

because i destroy the ticking boxes when there and the ticking stops? :man_shrugging:

Didn’t they say it’s impossible to add more stash space? So it might be 10 Stashes and 10 Bags.
Let’s hope it doesn’t refer to Tencent.

Oh no…
Please don’t…

Even if that’s true that doesn’t mean that suddenly GD is going to go downhill or something.
Tencent bought the majority of POE too and that game has been doing mighty fine!

Why would you not be wearing a Lokar helm, at least until entering Ultimate?

Next to Assparov in DC

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