Grim Misadventure #177 - Asterkarn Menagerie

Absolutely love these. I was awestruck by the rocs until I saw the corrupted rhino.

Nice work Crate, but i hope you really mean it when you say they’re gonna be massive!! :smiley:

Wow! Didn’t think I’d see the day, another expansion. Bet a lot of the thinking behind it is a probable uptick in playtime from players who gave ‘that other ARPG’ a go and came back, because this is just the absolute shiz! You rock, Crate! Asterkarn, here we come.

(Also didn’t realise how late to the party I was - work sucks!)

Your addition resembles the works of Lovecraft, the Ridges of Madness.


This would be amazing! Something where we can gather and trade or whatever. Any form of a Community place where we can rest our characters will be super cool!


Would love for 1 or 2 new classes for more customization options and more skill special effect conversions, would love if you can change the color of any skill when its 100% converted, would make for some more custom class ideas

also, i love this game and the fact that they keep adding to it, when you guys release the sequel. i’ll be one of the first to buy

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

The new Berserker mastery has already been announced for the FoA expansion.

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that’s awesome, i can’t wait for this expansion to release.

I just have to ask. After 3800+ hours played on ALL classes from since before beta I am curious if at least a year & quarter of release is known?
(Frustrated & throws money at screen).

Zantai did say on the GD discord that it would probably be the latter half of 2024. But of course that assumes they don’t go overboard with Crate’s usual MOAR. :smile:

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New GM tomorrow - don’t forget to drop by to see what Zantai’s going to reveal in it.


Any sneak peaks? :nerd_face:

I think Peaks of Asterkarn.


Judging by past years, my guess is - A Look Back at 2023

with some small FoA snippet or teaser at the end and hopefully a date for Loyalist pack 3

The GM is the sneak peak. :smile:

Yeah, but you know… maybe there are some sneak peeks to sneak peak (of Asterkarn) :wink:

Please god don’t let it be a retrospective of 2023



Thank you for the info I will impatiently wait /sad