Grim Misadventure #177 - Asterkarn Menagerie

Slaughter needs be first or no loot will drop. Redo that message please.

This aint monster hunter mate lol

Pretty birb <3 Both creatures with their variants have some monster hunter / wild hearts vibes for me, with a normal (left) and enraged (right) visuals. Really nice.

Looks great. Looking at the rhino made me think about their attacks - will they charge perhaps? Also, would be cool if the expansion would introduce more unique monster combat behaviors that feel different to fight. Like chargers, directional shielding (the player has to evade through to hit in the back), an ā€œoverseerā€ which gets stronger/upgraded the more of his ā€œminionsā€ are killed in vicinity, monsters that use formations, trappers who kite - that kind of thing. Shapeshifters too, of course :smiley: .


What if I open a chest first and loot drops?

Thankfully no. Been playing 4 player Monster Hunter world and itā€™sā€¦ bad.

Most missions having to be forced into leaving your group in order to play solo to a point before then reforming the group is such terrible design ugh. The npcs are rather annoying as well. One of the few games where I wish I could play as the monster in order to destroy all the npcs especially that damsel in distress quest giver, bleh.

edit: Corrupted Wooly Rhino looks rather interesting. Kinda a blend of aether crystal but also chthonic energy almost. Would be interesting if a Chthonic villain is trying to use aetherial power to his or her advantage in order to bring in some big bad squid monster from yesteryear.

You need to read the earlier part of the sentence, then it matches up :wink:

Really nice! Thereā€™s always lots of hounds and canines in GD. Any chance of adding felines in FoA?

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New celestial tease?

That rhino looks cool AF. Thanks for the hard work guys! I have always been a Grim Dawn fan and a regular lurker and I finally made a account on the forums just to write how much I love yā€™all!


Probably going to be like the birds that drop on you in FG.

Hopefully a bit more interesting. Would be neat if they had the ability to fly back up out of reach and then land again for another dive bomb attack. Might be hard to do - and it might be annoying in the end (thinking of Diablo 2 vultures that fly off all the time).

They look really cool, wonder how the Roc would behave. seeing the arkovian rocktalon where kinda meh at fighting them

Absolutely love these. I was awestruck by the rocs until I saw the corrupted rhino.

Nice work Crate, but i hope you really mean it when you say theyā€™re gonna be massive!! :smiley:

Wow! Didnā€™t think Iā€™d see the day, another expansion. Bet a lot of the thinking behind it is a probable uptick in playtime from players who gave ā€˜that other ARPGā€™ a go and came back, because this is just the absolute shiz! You rock, Crate! Asterkarn, here we come.

(Also didnā€™t realise how late to the party I was - work sucks!)

Your addition resembles the works of Lovecraft, the Ridges of Madness.


This would be amazing! Something where we can gather and trade or whatever. Any form of a Community place where we can rest our characters will be super cool!


Would love for 1 or 2 new classes for more customization options and more skill special effect conversions, would love if you can change the color of any skill when its 100% converted, would make for some more custom class ideas

also, i love this game and the fact that they keep adding to it, when you guys release the sequel. iā€™ll be one of the first to buy

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

The new Berserker mastery has already been announced for the FoA expansion.

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