Grim Misadventure #188 - A Look Back at 2024...'s Work on New Potions!

What is that? A Grim Misadventure?! Apparently it is 2025 now? Who signed off on this? Last time, we unveiled the horrifying Wights, fallen Kurn heroes warped by time and decay. Typically, we start off a new year with a reflection of the past, so let us begin!

Grim Dawn had 3 fantastic updates and a series of hotfixes in 2024:

  • We overhauled two-handed melee animations and gave spears their due with a completely new animation set.
  • The Nemesis bosses have received new spawn tech, allowing them to appear virtually anywhere, and unpredictably.
  • The Shattered Realm was squashed, reducing the grind to endgame dramatically for new (and old) players.
  • Major balance changes shifted the endgame, with pets receiving their largest update since vanilla. Consumables received a tuning pass, making them easier to maintain while playing, and monster Physical damage was toned down so that builds with less access to % Physical Resistance could shine.
  • Dranghouls received a visual overhaul in preparation for their glorious return in Fangs of Asterkarn.
  • After months (years?) of demands, we finally unveiled the third Loyalist Pack. This proved to be a fun project as we pushed the limits of how badass armor can get in Grim Dawn.
  • And much more!

What an exciting year! With Fangs of Asterkarn on the way, we expect 2025 to be even more game-changing.

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on February 10th for the next Grim Misadventure!

Oh…you are still here?

If you have been paying attention at all, you know that Grim Dawn has an expansion on the way. With the wild 10th mastery and a game-changing new way to play in the endgame on the way, you may be thinking that we have covered the major features on the way. You would, of course, be horribly wrong.

We announced the Fangs of Asterkarn features set a while back:

Since it is 2025, we feel we should start the New Year with another banger. Let us talk about…potion customization!

Note: as always, everything you are seeing today is in active development and subject to change. Nothing is set in stone until it is!

When you reach Kurnhold, a safe bastion among the spreading corruption in the North, you will come upon a new type of service, er, NPC. The cauldron will allow you to brew new concoctions with your Tonic of Mending and Elixir of Spirit, transforming their functionality beyond their base capabilities.

You begin by selecting the container for your potions, which have inherent properties that can enhance their potency, reduce their cooldowns, or even add additional charges. These vials can be upgraded, but few living beings know the secrets of their creation and their trust is likely not easily earned.

Once you have selected the proper vial, you can begin brewing by introducing two unique aspects that will alter the potion’s inherent properties.

Depending on what you select, your baseline healing and energy potions will behave quite differently, going as far as removing their healing properties altogether, if you so choose!

In total, twenty different aspects can be acquired and be mixed and matched as you please with wide-ranging effects that go beyond just combat enhancements. As with the Blacksmith, any potion vials or modifications you discover on one character will become available on all of them.

Modifier_Energetic01A Modifier_Offensive01B Modifier_Restorative01A Modifier_TrueSight01A Modifier_Utility01C

Your choice of aspects will have visible effects on your potions as well:

Potion_Energy-Offensive01A Potion_Health-Mutagen05A Potion_Health-Offensive02A Potion_Health-Utility03A

We expect everyone will find something to their liking, even if you are not feeling adventurous and just want superior healing properties. Potion brewing is sure to become a staple for all of your characters!

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on February 10th for the next Grim Misadventure!


If you had sufficient resources, I don’t think there would be another company capable of designing ARPG games as impressive as yours. Thank you for your efforts and for staying true to your vision in the face of a changing world


It looks very good :ok_hand:.


Ahah I love that title! It must be a last minute change and a nod to RxJunkie’s joke :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:






Add grim-misadventure tag, please.


Thanks for the information! Looking forward to FoA!

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Looks very good so far. Hopefully you guys do a pet related misadventure in the future


Oh wow! This looks neat. (also hoping we get a closer look at affix transmuting before the expansion drops)!


Looks really juicy and impactful. Can’t wait :cocktail: :fire:


Looks great. Really need to get back into playing the game.


Admittedly, I have not played Grim Dawn in a LONG time. I am pretty excited about this new Expansion, and I cannot wait to try out the new mastery and get back to playing this awesome game!

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Huh, they did? I recently finished Act 1-2 with a new character but did not notice. I need to go back and check!


Visit Tyrants Hold, you’ll definitely notice :smiley:


Oh ya, they look pretty good!


I have a feeling its going to be similar to the Mystic in Diablo 3 where you can reroll only one affix on an item. In this case, either green, epic and legendary items. And then another option I can think of would be where it randomizes a green item’s prefixes and suffixes (potentially giving it a chance to have double rare stats) for each reroll or rerolling stat values of epic and legendary items if these are too low.


Hey, I’ve been a loyal follower of Grim Dawn for many years, and I always wondered, wouldn’t a boss rush mechanic be awesome, where bosses would adjust to your current gear so they could take you on?

It just so happens that in the early versions, when you removed an initial boss from the game, I would forget about it. However, as time went on, Crate adjusted these bosses, and you no longer eliminated them as quickly, highlighting their attack patterns and skills.

So I wanted to know if there’s any plans in place that I’ve missed lately that involve this idea. Thanks for the good work, keep it up.

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Yeah! This is exactly what I wish for potion customization.

I can not wait for this, I love these updates too