Grim Misadventure #20: Soldier Mastery - Part 1

I guess that first build wasn’t exactly a success then…

Anyways, since Zantai never gives us an update this soon in the day, probably medierra will say something about how the development is going later.

Nice but sad that it isn’t alpha today :frowning:

So much hype but I suppose a few more weeks won’t hurt… guess I’ll be getting familiar with my Shaman in Soul Vizier.

Looks great!

10 active and 16 passive skills, for 26 in total.

Heavy on the passives, but you stated that the solider had a 50/50 split between passives and actives.

I’m guessing the other Masteries (especially the ‘nuke’ mages) are the other way around?

Thanks for update, Zantai.

… but 8 of those 16 passive are upgrades for active skills, which make them pretty “active” to me :wink:

I would have loved to see the full occuklt skills, as that one will be my first, but its nice to see the this skill tree, very impressive indeed

Thanks for another comprehensive update Zantai, but I do have one question:

I thought “nastiest” was already changed to “deadliest” in Mastery Descriptions - WIP?

Very minor…but some reason that line doesn’t convey the same tone as what precedes it. Goes from “hellish”…which sound grim and brutal…to “nastiest”…which I dunno just sounds kinda lame. Mosquito bites are nasty, rotten eggs are nasty…deadly enemies of the empire should carry a little more dread than that :smiley:

I’d personally write something like:

Combat Mastery (name not finalized)
In the imperial army, Soldiers are trained to survive in the most hellish conditions and hold the line against the brutal/vicious/demonic/imposing/deadly/unrelenting/savage/mortal/wicked/bloodthirsty/ferocious* enemies of the empire

*choose one :p[/QUOTE]

medierra later edited the original description to “deadliest”, which IMO seems much better. Like Renevent said, a minor thing, but I reckon it just conveys the message of that line better. As for the rest of the update Zantai, I must say I’m quite impressed with how the Soldier mastery is coming along, especially the Zolhan’s Technique skill - I’ve always loved skills with lore behind them such as this. :wink:

Once again, thanks for the great update Zantai, hope we get to see alpha soon! :smiley:
Younghappy :slight_smile:

I overlapped at SCAD with a crate member for all of 5 minutes. That counts as friends and family right?!

(Nice update, thanks!)

Heh, me too! Still, I did enjoy this update. Perhaps the soldier will be my second mastery and I’ll be a Witchblade! (Hope that’s the right title!)

Buh, I was gonna go with Occultist/demo hybrid when Alpha hits (I fancy spell casters/ranged) but I really like what I see here.

I hope there aren’t TOO many active shield skills since it’ll kind of pigeon hole 2-hander/DW soldiers (I am aware there are no melee 2 handers in Alpha).

Looks great! This is going to be my first class.

Thanks for the update!

I guess there is setbacks in alpha, which is understandable… we all want enjoyable experience, so I guess some more waiting wouldn’t hurt…

so it seems like solider is more like a rather tanky mastery… hmm, should be interesting to combine with a DPS mastery at full release xD

Next update on 5/13/13 wow so guess the 1-3 weeks is getting pushed back a bit :slight_smile: Anyways keep up the great work guys looking forward to playing something soon Soldier looks great so far. Ill just have to keep myself occupied with my new Nomad in TQIT :slight_smile:

nice update nice and very coll skills and i m sure the game will be the best game in furter 5 years or more for me,so in this case i say- no alpha better we wait 1 month more and the release beta version cause i m going mad(i m sure is the same with other people) really cant wait to play it lol.

The Alpha announcement will not be done by me. Don’t read too much into that date. :wink:

Not everyone will be getting into the Alpha. While there will be no NDA, these updates will still be a great source of information for people who have the beta access tier, full release tier or haven’t pre-purchased anything yet but follow the game (or are on the fence regarding making a pre-order).

That’s all i need. I’m much happier now :smiley:

What’s that, you say? Alpha will be anytime between now and midnight of the 4th, you say? Excellent :stuck_out_tongue:

looks awesome, can’t wait to go forcewave crazy with my shield!

Thanks for the update! :slight_smile: Now I really want to try that alpha…RaaaAAAaargh, I can’t wait anymore! “be patient Xss, be patient!”

I was wondering, does Zolhan’s Technique also do the average damages of your weapon to all the enemies it hits? :slight_smile: