Grim Misadventure #28: A Complete Set

None that I can see.

I think low level set’s are a complete waste of dev time and item resource space tbh

Sets collecting should be end game content when they actually matter.

I’d much rather 28 sets for max level, than spreading them through the game.

p.s. tq had 64 sets… just sayin

Low level set items not only give more flavor to drops but can encourage the creation of new characters to try different builds. If anything, set items can help speed up the time in leveling and getting through certain areas.

Most likely we’ll see more set items later on either in development time for the main game or expansions.

Edit: Or mods will include more.

I think the sets looks good. Not too flamboyant, suitable considering they are ‘low level’ sets.

Personally, I was wandering what people’s thoughts would be on to having rare sets (green) that were more easily obtainable. The set bonus’s would be weaker than an Epic Set’s. It would allow for the enjoyment of trying to complete a set be more easily achievable, but mean that if you really wanted, you can carry on farming the area for the rarer Epic Armour sets.

I also hope the Epic Armour Sets are well designed so that should you complete a set, you would end up wearing it. As apposed to finding out the other 30 epic items you find during the farm for the set are actually better than the set items plus their set bonuses.

I appreciate that if you spec your character into a less common role, eg pure reflective, then you may find that a typical designed Set may not contain the stats you want. But hopefully components will allow you to tailor the sets in the direction you want.

I also hope the Epic Armour Sets are well designed so that should you complete a set, you would end up wearing it. As apposed to finding out the other 30 epic items you find during the farm for the set are actually better than the set items plus their set bonuses.

It would help if set bonuses provided unique effects rather than just more stat bonuses.

I think that the blood reaper “hat” should be a black cloth covering his eyes and/or nose. The victims should not see the executioner face!

Some examples of what i’m saying:,r:49,s:0,i:243&iact=rc&page=3&tbnh=181&tbnw=200&start=42&ndsp=27&tx=81.33333587646484&ty=56,r:7,s:0,i:109&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=189&tbnw=80&start=0&ndsp=15&tx=47.333335876464844&ty=42

I think the entire game is amazing and I’m not that easily impressed.

In regards to upgrading and crafting missing set pieces, have you looked at obtaining gems, tokens, or quest items to upgrade all the stats on an item you want to keep after you have out-levelled it? Just a thought.