Grim Misadventure #38: Of Bugs and Features

That’s particularly good point.

Looks awesome! :smiley:

Hello Zantai,

Very fine! :slight_smile:

Hopefully we can soon play act 2?! :wink:


Oh, what should I see there?! :cry:

Act 2 target release is 4-6 weeks after now.

That means end of February!?

Nice update Looking forward to Act 2 as well,Keep up the good work guys :slight_smile:

looking good :), can’t wait to kill some skeletons :cool:

So… can’t wait! :slight_smile:

4-6 weeks from now would indicate mid to late March.

Edit: Beginning of March at the earliest. Best not to be too optimistic. :slight_smile:

Great stuff, I like those skellies, they look feisty! The Golem… the Golem!

World item comparison tooltips: by holding ‘Alt’ you can immediately compare an item on the ground to whatever you have equipped.

Does that feature have any impact on the overlaying item tooltips?

As always, awesome update :smiley: Like everyone, can’t wait to fight those skeletons and especially that golem :cool:

Sounds awesome, can’t wait :slight_smile:

This is very good news as I am currently desperately trying to sell all of my steam cards to buy Grim Dawn, I should be finished right about when Act 2 and crafting rolls in.

I must say, it is impressive how You can see TQ in here, but the game grows to stand on its own.
Some things do resemble other games, but You guys managed to make this game addictive as hell and I can’t even explain it^^ (only played at my friend’s house, he had some serious problems getting me away from his PC :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Once Act 2 is in, along with crafting and level cap moved to 35 this game will offer more fun, viable and actually enjoyable content that d3 ever did for me.

Its also nice that You guys are creating the game in this way where before You add anything You check if it works and won’t brake the game for those playing it.

If You think about it, so far You have 1/3 of the initial full release and some people have already clocked in over 100 hours…crazy ^^

Very nice models :slight_smile: watching more kinds of undead, would be great a necromancer mastery in the future.

It all looks great. Nice to see some of the user recommendations are being implemented too.

Keep up the good work, can’t wait for act 2!!

I fear for my hardcore life o.O

I hope you can balance out the big damage spikes well, I’ve had that sort of thing ruin plenty of other dungeon crawlers.

Very impressive indeed.

I can’t wait for act II as well :smiley:

yesssssss great update… been waiting patiently for Act 2 and these new features looks great.

Can’t wait any longer, its starting to hurt!!


I may just get back on the whine train after this!

They look great. Zantai never disappoints!

And more…

^ do tell :slight_smile: