Grim Misadventure #54: Did You Know...

There may be some Legendaries you can craft.

Armor has been explained on the forum before, I forget where. It is something that will be included in the game guide.

Merriam-Webster defines Devotion as “a feeling of strong love or loyalty : the quality of being devoted”, there is also “prayer, worship, or other religious activities that are done in private rather than in a religious service” but like no way it would be that.

Going through the full combat mechanics would get pretty involved for a forum post, maybe in the game guide.

  1. We are not ready to talk about Legendaries in detail yet :wink:

  2. Devotion, if it were real, would be available for all characters.

  3. There is a relic skill called Conflagration that works like Aether Ray. Other channeled spells would require new tech. Perhaps in expansions.

  4. Not likely.

  5. Some bosses can be crowd-controlled briefly. It varies.

Seems like RNG doing its thing. The level requirement is not necessarily reflective of the item’s level, it is based on the affix you roll.

Hey, look over there! It’s a distraction!

So… can I expect return of Ancient Armor Plate in build 21?

return of ancient armor plate??

is it not dropping for you?

Since Build 20 has been implemented, I got no Ancient Armor Plates and no Attuned Lodestones. I played almost 200 hours in this build.

Yes, there is a bug in the rare component loot table. The fix did not seem to make Hotfix 4.

Hotfix 5 and/or Build 21, whichever comes first, will include the fix.

Roughly 50 hours played this build, can confirm. None of my new characters have found a single Ancient Armor Plate or Attuned Lodestone.

not really paid attention to those components… only need the high level components and they drop just fine for me

This is cool but until you wrote it here I never noticed special equipment on enemies. I knew boss characters always got spawned with their weapons and you could pick them up later but I didn’t know about others.

You should find a way to make it clear to players that one of the special weapons is being used. With the speed of combat, effects flying around and multiple enemies trying to kill you I never noticed they use anything special.

Suggestions would be to have Lighting weapons do a little animation like from LotR where he stops for a moment, raises the sword and lightning from the sky hits the sword.
Something cool for each type of element like fire weapons could make the whole arm burst in flame.

The monsters dropping what they wear/use is probably one of my all time favourite features in TQ and Grim Dawn. I loved it from the first moment I knew about it in TQ all those years ago, it never gets old for me.

That’s already implemented. When a monster wields an item with a very distinct image, like Anarchy, it’s very obvious. You just don’t see that often because epics are rare, and not all of them have over the top visual effects.

I wouldn’t like every weapon that has lightning damage to get some visual effect, that would take away from the “specialness” of epic’s.

Before anyone else checks like I did, this image does not have any hidden info in it. :cry:

Cool post, glad to hear B21 and the Arcanist are well on their way. Looking forward to shooting some laz0rs at zombies.

A lot of the “vets” probably already know about it, but you guys should talk about locational armor sometime. Likewise, does locational armor apply to enemy entities as well, or just players? I’m assuming the former.

I’ve been playing GD for a long time and never noticed anyone using anything special. What is the point of a feature players don’t ever notice?

Perhaps the problem is you just don’t pay attention?

It’s pretty easy to notice. I’ve noticed it on many occasions, we even have a thread full of screenshots of enemies holding uniques.

Any news on a solution for storage problem?? At least for component storage?

Did you learn about it directly from the game or did you know about it from somewhere else and then looked for it in the game? There is a huge difference here.

It’s been known since the early days of this forum and is a carry-over from the Titan Quest days.

That is true; however, how will a player new to the game (and they don’t know TQ) know this fact? I believe that was Torin’s point.

Personally, I haven’t recalled seeing a mob using a epics/special weapon. I’ve seen them drop, but not seen them being used. Perhaps RNG isn’t with me?

I’ve seen an enemy using the lightning Mace epic with Electrocute damage and Phys to Lightning. It looks very different.

You’ll notice this as more extravagent looking epics and legendaries make their way in to the game. But this is a carry over from Titan Quest and was confirmed by Devs very early on.

Sadly, I feel this update to be fluff and not much of substance.

So as I said, it needs to be noticeable in the game more. Someone totally new to TQ and GD need to be notice this and come to forums and ask “what was that?”. I have not known about it until this topic and I have been playing GD for a long time but never really played TQ.
I think this is a cool feature and needs to be made really noticeable even if it needs over the top animations.

Path of Exile is proud with its multitude of possible enemy Hero combinations but except for Exiles you meet they don’t get to use cool special weapons that are randomly generated for them.