Grim Misadventure #55: Introducing Caster Weapons

Yes. :slight_smile: That would be the answer.

HELL YEAH! Awesome update overall. I’m digging that Chillheart Scepter! :smiley:

Not sure but there seems to be a word or two missing?:undecided:

Oh yeah, forgot to say the new weapons look great. Cant wait to encounter some fiend using them in game. :slight_smile:

Ok fail at reading… :o -1 internets for me.

Wooo~ those arts look amazing!

Thank you one Zantai :slight_smile:

I’m guessing daggers will occupy 1x2 spaces? If so, yay for the Shiv getting some friends.

edit: Oh, from the photos, apparently not. Ah well, still something to look forward to.

Some questions.
Will it be possible to have a weapon with two type of damage as base?
How will these weapons interact with skills using percent of weapon damage?
Blackwood Wand will be converted together with introducing caster weapons, will not?

There are very good art and idea in general.

Hell yeah another great update, the caster weapons looks awsome. This game is getting better all the time, it’s such a great thing to see a game like Grim Dawn evolve each time.

A very welcome addition, hope they make B21 :slight_smile:

I am lately quite busy so haven’t played through new updates but seeing these updates makes me love the game more and more :slight_smile:

When can we expect to play Arcanist? I need exact ETA as I will be booking some time off work :stuck_out_tongue:

You can easy play Arcanist on Christmas holidays, I think :stuck_out_tongue:

That chillheart sceptor is going to be amazing… I will be able to get 20/10 Night’s Chill again! NIghts Chill build is coming back, combined with the procs on the item I think it will work again (b20 killed it). WOO!

Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her epics.

No no no…

  1. My company works all year apart from 1 day…
  2. Arcanist must be released earlier or else I am raiding Crate’s office with my buddies :slight_smile:
  3. I will just ring in sick :wink:

Early October was the last estimate given.

B21 will be released sometime early October. So perhaps 1-3 weeks would be my guess - if caster items are added it would probably delay that guess by a week or two.

There are no exact ETA for build releases.

On topic: looks good - will have to see how caster weapons vs non caster weapons compare when it comes to balance.

Absolutely thrilled with this implementation; direct response to feedback from the community. Excellent work.

Incredible how this game keeps getting better and better. I really hope you earn a ton of money once you do a full release.

This isn’t a Misadventure at all!

Concept looks really interesting, base magical damage looks righteous, art is as always spot on!
Are those Common daggers and scepters tied to a damage type by default? Hm, I’ll do some guessing.

Pic 1:1.Bleeding, 2.Fire, 3.Vitality, 4.Lightning(?) 5.Cold
Pic 2:1.,4.Fire, 2.Vit, 3.Cold, 5.Aether, 6.Chaos

Great stuff, looking forward to see those daggers and scepters in action!