Grim Misadventure #55: Introducing Caster Weapons

Yay! Looking forward to trying them out. :smiley:

Really nice addition to the game, perfect answer to the “casters need saves” imho.

as the item type mentions 'one handed", i assume we can dual-wield them or use it in a melee dual-wield combination (sword + dagger for example) ? that would be awesome :slight_smile:

another great improvement to the game anyway !

Excellent update.

Awesome update, thanks Zantai.

It’s a little disappointing that these are all melee weapons though. I do miss the ranged staff attacks from TQ and the skills that went with them.

Very nice looking weapons. Hopefully this should solve the question of lacking magic weapons. Going to be very interesting to see how some of these work with an Arcanist/Nightblade dual wielding char. :smiley:

This is just great!

I just made a thread a few days ago about the lack of real caster items, no staves but i am completely satisfied with scepters and daggers.

The game has opened up even more now.

Looks great… finally some much needed love for caster based builds.

One thing that I can help but wonder about… Legendary items!

I know that these will be released with world wide release, but I wonder if Legendary weapons have already been designed, modelled, named etc…

In all this time playing and reading the forums I havent seen next to ANY info on Legendary items.

Woooot daggers? I actually wanted some kind of daggers in the game, didn’t expect them to be magical weapons though. I didn’t even expect to get any more weapon types, this is great!

I was actually little disappointed when I read the topic title “What? Staffs and magical sticks in GD? That’s horrible!” but nope we got something much more interesting.

On one hand such weapons was needed because caster physical damage cannot penetrate armor. This makes most skills with %weapon damage to look strange (15% damage from 25% damage…almost useless). On other hand physical damage should penetrate armor. So base damage of physical damage weapons should be much stronger. I hope developers do not forget about this. Especially after they lowered all bonuses to physical damage.

Also I hope we will see more shields and guns with lowered physical damage and good magical damage.

Don’t think physical damage should penetrate armor since we already have pierce damage and weapons that already have % pierce. The caster weapons shown have no % pierce.

Shield shouldn’t have magical damage unless they have the affixes or are an epic/legendary item. They aren’t meant to be caster items.

Pistols I would also rather not have magical damage. Perhaps elites/legendary items could replace the damage type but initial pistols - no for me.

Few questions…

with all those new item types implemented, with addition to no yet released WIP features ( Devotion, Act 3, Legendary items ) plus the ones who are already there ( Transmuters, Crafting, Salvaging ) … aren’t you guys stretching tin on all fronts? Wouldn’t be a better choice, to have less features, but more refines ones? For example: Transmuters for all skills, more epic and legendary weapons and sets, but no Devotion, no new item types.

Daggers and Scepters. Why haven’t you implemented ranged caster weapons like Wands or whatever ( similar functionality as staff weapons in TQ )?

I do like what I see, its just that I wonder how can you keep up with all those new stuff coming and at the same time assure the quality of the “product”

Transmuters aren’t supposed to be for all skills. Might as well create a whole new mastery instead. More epic/legendary items will be added with the new item types anyways.

Devotion? Such a thing surely doesn’t exist!?!

Ranged castery weapons aren’t needed because if you are a caster you will be casting. Wands/staves don’t shoot fire balls in Cairn - the character does. Plus they already stated that they don’t feel like they fit the game well enough to warrant the addition.

I completely agree about shields, that’s what caster off hands are for. As for pistols, I wouldn’t mind seeing a few epics changing. For example “Orwell’s Revolver” with lightning damage as its base would be pretty cool. Then again, it’s already really powerful as it is.

As a lover of caster types I totally disagree. It is a missed opportunity to not have ranged Caster weapons and skills to complement them. The staff skills in TQ and also the Underlord mod were awesome and felt like the base weapon damage actually mattered and not just the mods on it. Unless all spells will work off base weapon damage like in D3, it is only the weapon mods that matter to the caster.

As for not fitting into the game, I can hit with an axe an proc a fireball but not shoot one with a Wand? That makes no sense.

Fitting into the game according to lore and probably aesthetically I suppose.

Idk… I’m fine without staves/wands - to me they are overdone.

I see no reason why caster ranged weapons would be excluded when they already exist in the game.

See Blackwood Arbalest as one example…

Out of curiosity, do the new weapon types come with different character attack animations? I’m thinking that sword/mace/axe type animations might look a little odd when swinging around a dagger.

If they already exist in the game then nothing is being excluded :stuck_out_tongue:

Hm, what staff skills were there ? The only staff skill I am aware of is Ternion, and that did not care for the base damage type of the staff.

If you are talking about skills like Storm Nimbus and Earth Enchantment, those do not require staves/wands.

Are you lumping them in because of the base damage they are dealing/buffing (cold / fire / lightning) ?
But then you have similar skills in GD too, with Fire Strike and Solael’s Witchfire…

I guess TQ then missed the opportunity to have caster close-combat weapons or casters that do not primarily function as ‘fancy’ ranged archers :wink:

As for not fitting into the game, I can hit with an axe an proc a fireball but not shoot one with a Wand? That makes no sense.

And it also is not the case, if your scepter has the same affix, it also will proc Fireballs…

The idea for the GD caster is to, well, cast, not to be an archer with an odd shaped bow.

We will see how that works out, but I sure find it the more interesting approach.

Man, i would be absolutely ok with holding back Arcanist and releasing the mastery with these weapons.

I am drooling over this, but i feel like we’ll get more out of the arcanist with actual caster items.

I pray to Byliel that these somehow make it to the B21 update even if it’s just barebones.