Grim Misadventure #59: Factions - Kymon's Chosen

Didn’t see this faction coming so it’s indeed quite a good surprise.

You also have to realize a “vast” majority of these streamers may have been playing for months or years, and have run the quests so many times they just want to get to current end game as soon as possible and just click through them, right? It’s what I do.

I think I remember a few mentions of Kymon during the game.

What I do find surprising about it though, is that it’s a “zealot” faction that I’m actually kind of interested in. Usually if given the choice to side with zealots or anything else, I’ll pick the ‘anything else’ faction.

I think it might be the Blake reference that’s swaying me here.

another interesting read. The more choice in factions the better. :smiley:

There’s Kymon’s Retreat, which they’ve evidently retreated from. This is where you stop (or don’t stop) the guy from burning his house and his family.

There’s also this piece of lore.

Great Update!

Will we be able to buy a tabard for the faction we are allied with?

IIRC, building up faction reputation will open up buying faction gear - or I could just be hoping for it. The Grim Misadventure #57: Factions - Black Legion indicates that Crate is still revamping their initial stab at the Faction System.

Great update! :slight_smile:

Recently been reading all of the lore I have been able to find in the game as well, to get a better understanding of the game and its setting :slight_smile:

Btw, you might have added an ‘in’ too much ^^

@Kymon grew up in in the capital, witness to its many intrigues and scandals.@

Ahh another surprise! Welcome! and THx! :smiley:

Cheers for the latest update.

Seems to be a lack of 2 handed weapon users amongst this group and, maybe just me or my imagination, but this lot all seem far too “clean and well dressed” for living in Grim Dawn :undecided: :confused:

Good read!

Definitely liking the Black Legion the most so far. I’d love to delve into their story more and join their ranks if possible.

Curiouser and curiouser… I remember finding passages of their faith in an abandoned house, but I thought it was just the remains of a crazy fanatical cult swept away by the Grim Dawn.
Makes me wonder just who Empyrion is, - my first thought would be the Chtonians, but since the Chosen stand against both Chtonians and Etherials… who knows.

Empyrion is a jerk that doesn’t want Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfieffer to be together.

+1 for reference. Funny thing is I was just thinking about watching it the other night. Now I’ll definitely have to watch it.


I’m throwing it out there: I feel like Empyrion, and certainly the overall Kymon’s Chosen, had something to do with the torture of Oroboruuk, which is why the Order of Death’s Vigil hates the K.C.

Oroboruuk was tortured by the Arkovian’s who are from a different era.

Empyrion may have been around back then but from the lore I think he’s probably from somewhere else I’d imagine.

Kymon was around before the Grim Dawn - not Arkovian times so he had nothing to do with Oroboruuk either.

It’s more about the difference in beliefs which bring the two groups against each other.

Streamers will likely pay more attention to the lore once the developers reveal the in-game impact of joining or pissing off those factions.

From the look of things, it looks like it may be items. If those items come with skills, then all of a sudden we are looking at more build diversity.

Wait, maybe those factions have something to do with Devotion. A new mastery depending on which faction you join? That’ll be interesting.

Can I join with Black Legion instead?

Another very interesting faction !

i wonder if the enemies factions will still appear in the new faction systems (Aetherials, undead…) ? same question about the rovers and Devil’s Crossing (wich doesn"t seem to have some loot to share right now^^ ).

or if the only factions we can join with will be secret orders/soldiers band…

the former makes more sense imho