Grim Misadventure #60: Faction Rewards

> The process to creating Augments is a carefully guarded secret so, with the exception of one quest reward in Act 3, you will have to earn access to them by working with factions. There are two sets of Augments, each intended for different items.
So player could only be able to buy this augments? Or there will be some craft recipes?

This NEEDS to be a thing along with TriBeer and Harvey the Drifter dropping his “son” Walter the doll as an off-hand. Make it happen Crate! :smiley:
In all seriousness, the content of this Misadventure took me by as much surprise as the announcement of transmuters - meaning it was totally freaking awesome, because I love surprises when it comes to GD and how us common forum-goers don’t have to wait for press releases, etc. to see the new stuff coming our way :rolleyes:

Cheers for awesome (and pleasantly surprising) update Zantai, you sure made the 60th Misadventure anniversary a memorable one :wink:
Younghappy :slight_smile:

Can I be in good enough standing with all factions at the same time, so I can have access to all their items and augments, or are some factions mutually exclusive ?

Not sure if this has been asked, but it wasn’t clear in the original post - do augments replace components or are they in addition to (basically have 2 components on a weapon)?

Yup. See post above.

Didn’t expect that one coming

Awesome, thanks. Kind of skimmed the thread and missed it.

Nice update! I like the glow on weapons, will enemy weapons also have this glow so you can see what kind of augment they have?

You’ll probably be able to transfer faction items between characters. So at worst we’ll have to build 7 characters.

I am most excited about 7 mentioned factions and how are they going to be back implemented into Act 1 and Act 2.
At least I hope so, it seems like too many factions for all to be sharing space in Act 3.

Well some already exist: Rovers, and Devils Crossing survivors. Some we’ve encountered, but not much has been revealed: Kymon’s Chosen, Black Legion, and The Order of Death’s Vigil.

I’m sure I’ve missed some, otherwise that leaves 2 new ones for Act 3.

10/10 would stare at colorful pictures again.

I’m fairly certain 2 new ones is the case. My math is the same as yours. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well the bandits from Act 2 could be considered a faction?

(Probably) not a player faction, no. There’s a difference between enemy and player factions.

Dayum this is so cool, I wanna use them like, yesterday

Just WOW!!!

Hell yeah, Augments will put more “Witch” in my Witchblade. :smiley:

As usual, you guys rock!

as everyone, very excited about this update, factions system seems really awesome !

as usual, keep up the great work !

Okay, glow got my attention!

Can’t wait, another depth to an already endless customization process!