Grim Misadventure #62: A Look Back at 2014

Uhhh I can’t wait for that moment when that first purple drops. Gonna be like Diablo 2 when you get that first unique. The feels.

For me, it’ll probably be a 2-handed maul while I’m on my caster. lol

What? No micro transactions? No way!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

drools more huge multi-leveled dungeons can’t be bad. ever.

I’m always wondering… will legendaries become the go-to items of the game? Personally I am a M.I. hunter. Will M.I.'s still rival for the top spots? Could M.I.'s possibly become more awesome in harder difficulties? I sure wouldn’t wanna see my fav kind of hunting not be worth it :slight_smile:

The MIs exist in multiple versions for the different difficulties, they can e.g. drop as level 28, 45 and 60 variants for the different difficulties, The stats are adjusted accordingly.

Really nice work you’ve done here! I’ve been watching Grim Dawn since it were on Kickstarter and bought it last year on Steam. So far I’m really impressed!

@Unique Items: Unique Items = Unique Style/Appearance?

Keep up the good work!

Higher difficulties were not mentioned?

What about that Survival mode or how was it called?

What about End game areas?

Crate is like a bakery and GD their cake. They keep adding layers and frosting…layers upon layers of sugary fluffy goodness. A project so massive and cared for that it would be a miracle if patrons do not immediately become diabetic (type 1 & type 2) when it is finally dropped on the table.

Adding a small top layer code named “Act 4” sounds great…I just hope it is added without delay and is not coconut.

Anxiously waiting for final launch

  1. We’ll not see higher difficulties until the entirety of the game’s questlines have been released.
  2. Survival mode is post-release iirc; free for non-Steam backers, probably DLC for people who purchased on Steam (like me, but I’ll gladly gobble up all the DLC that’s released :D).
  3. The second roguelike dungeon has been mentioned; there could be a third as well, not sure if that’s planned; Act 3 will be endgame, unless Act 4 is released. So, in essence, the final Act, whatever it may be, along with the 2-3 roguelikes will be “endgame”.

A perfect rare affix-M.I.-rare affix will without question be the strongest individual item for its slot. Legendaries are simply stronger Epics, made to bridge the gap between Epics and Rare-combos. Its possible Legendary sets will be the most desirable for certain builds, but M.I.s will almost always be top-tier.

This is gonna be a good year! Act 3 should be amazing, and I love that you added more lore with b23 keep it up! :smiley:

Good Job to all the folks at Crate. You guys are doing an awesome job on making Grim Dawn.

Additional storage is always welcome. Its one the things that keep me from playing the games more, due to having storage problems. I am abit of a hoarder. But most people will agree having more storage to keep components and items to try out more builds is a good thing. :slight_smile:

Act 3 chapter 2 can’t wait. And even Act 4 /gasp and can’t wait :stuck_out_tongue:

Faction choices is going to interesting to see which way things play out and what rewards you get.

New Rogue like dungeon. Omg Stop Teasing :stuck_out_tongue: Tell us More! lol

What can I say AAA Developer & AAA Community. Keep up the great work guys it is very much appreciated! :smiley:

Legendary Items of immense power will begin to drop for your collecting pleasure.

It’s funny how much time and effort some of us have already put in trying to find the best gear, and we haven’t even gotten to legendary items yet.

Could we possibly be DEVOTED to a skill not in the selected classes? If not PLEASE! Great update thanks so much for your DEVOTION!!!

Blue items are too weak, especially weapons… They look awesome, I really want to use them, not just collect them. however, right now, they are just collectibles.

Please enhance them.

Blue items are supposed to be weaker than green items. Blue set items are weaker than regular blue items to encourage you to use the set. I think they’re balanced as intended, with a couple underpowered ones here and there. You’re not supposed to use only blues by endgame, maybe 2-4 and build the rest of your build around them.

Which ones are you referring to?

Epic items aren’t always going to be end game since Rare/Green/MI items have the potential to be best in slot in most cases.

All depends on your build when it comes to how useful a blue item is.

“Act 3 Chapter 1 - The first chapter of our biggest Act yet has been released in time for the holidays, giving you a glimpse at what’s to come as Grim Dawn approaches its epic ending.”

Act 1 was was quite large, huge in fact. Cant wait to see the entirety of Act 3 if it is the biggest area yet. :slight_smile:

Grim Dawn is bigger, deeper and more complex than people realize. Be great when they catch on and the game takes off.

lol tell me bout it.