Grim Misadventure #64: A Window into the Faction World

I see Hobo Elf’s point here.

I understand the game is set up as you can’t betray humanity, because its against the game concept. But the question is, should we call those archenemies as factions? Is it a faction at all, if you could do nothing but killing them and go towards the nemesis status?

There might be a solution.

Lets say that evil factions could offer a job or two…but against other evil factions! You know, enemy of my enemy is my friend…why do not set up a storyline where Aetherials are wiped out by Chthonians (or opposite), because they are in endless war? You may betray humanity partially. Lets say You offer a quest that includes wiping out whole bunch of Chthonians (all over the common Cairn, you may pin a counter of seen/killed until zero is reached :slight_smile: ) and they will offer you they will left known Cairn untouched - but will enslave all humanity around this area. So you turn into bad guy, who is a king in his little kingdom in enslaved world.

But have to think about replay options.

I just loved Fallout so badly because You had about ten possible endings. Thats one part of many why the game could be immortal.

Well, think of it as a linear progressive feature which makes combat slightly more interesting as you push toward Nemesis status. The term “linear” doesn’t bring about good connotations in the gaming world (see FFXIII) but it can work given the right context, which GD fortunately has. Sure, it’s an inevitable outcome but I would rather have the linear progression to experience something, however slight, new each day, rather than maintaining the status quo and farm the exact same content for days on end.

Given that ARPGs aren’t very heavy on the story department, I think the Faction system isn’t such a bad idea, although it isn’t perfect since you are constrained by your role in the game and its lore. At the end of the day, choosing a faction is a means to an end, that is as with all ARPGs, whichever yield the best loot (augments in GD’s case). Sure, everyone might be trying out different stuff and might be genuinely surprised by unexpected storyline twists resulting from the player’s decisions when it’s fresh and new but a few month’s down the road, the choices are going to be streamlined esp. choosing the best route toward efficiently farming the end game.

As for the issue of replayability, if D2 which has a linear story progression with almost no player-influenced outcomes could somehow hook players to do the same farming actions for decades, however flawed it might be, the Faction system is going to produce way more replayability if Crate implements exclusive rewards to each faction, which they are going to do with Augments. Going further, perhaps exclusive end game dungeons similar to SoT exclusive to each faction? The possibilities are endless and it’s a good foundation for future expansions to further build on.

My first thought was, “having enemy factions is dumb,” and my second thought was, “having enemy factions scale against reputation is awesome!”

I’d love to see more about what the tiers actually mean. A vendor discount is a little uninteresting as a bonus, but I like the addition of new quests with rep. I’ve also heard there may be faction-based weapon augments on the horizon? :slight_smile:

Regarding the act 3 “decision,” how will this affect multiplayer gameplay? Can I make a different decision from my buddy? Can we even do the same quests after that?

I suspect it will work like every other quest in the game. Whoever completes the quest makes the choice for everyone in the group.

Awesome update !

just one question (sorry if already asked) : will our levels of reputation with each faction carry on in higher difficulties ? or will we re-start from scratch and be perhaps able to try another choice ?

You can make a different decision and still play together. Faction-specific quests your friend can do will be locked from you, and vice-versa. May be a situation where your friend cannot progress on his quest if you are hosting because of the world-state, such as if a certain NPC is dead or an event has played out one way instead of another.

You will have to be careful though, your friend’s allies would be your mortal enemies. Try it in PvP. :wink:

They will reset. You will be able to make different choices.

Pretty nice update.
Implementation of RPG elements, to differ from the somehow bland modern H&S aRPG stereotype, is admirable.
It’s so oldschool, my dry eyes dropped a tear :cry:

Keep on going :slight_smile:

One of my favorite Misadventures so far! I really, really like the idea of negative rep spawning tougher mobs.

Hmm… a new spice to the genre. Good job as always! Crate Quality!:smiley:

This looks fantastic. My only concern is if there will be enough quests to support this system. Farming mobs for rep over and over and over again will get REALLY old, really fast.

I’m in trouble :smiley:

Oh yes, it is all very nice and engaging. However, I was wondering about the Fraction Vendors. Will they be outfitted with their own specialized types of weapons and gear or will they be selling the same leveled products as all vendors sell, while only providing a discount on the buying rate or a higher re-sell value?

If they have specialized equipment and weapons, then I would probably want to collect a lot of it, which in turn means I would have to create extra toons to hold those items for future use.

How many are we talking about? So I can name them properly.

If we get good at killing members of hostile fractions, won’t they eventually place a rather large bounty on us. Causing Fractions from all over the planet to try to kill us, all the time?

Or will Fractionated Bounty Hunters be tasked with hunting us down, where ever we are in the game? Whether we are ready for them or not? :smiley:

I think they should be allowed to do that. At this juncture Grim Dawn is pretty easy to play, at least for a kid – more unexpected challenges would be a great improvement.

My grandmother likes to say in referencing my grandfather, “Always leave them guessing, never let the mystery die.”

I would love to see some Dark souls 2 like “offline” (or maybe even online) tweaks to the fraction system. So that people can participate in fraction arena’s or join particular battlefield like areas where you have a chance to meet both allies and enemys :). Or a chance of meeting npc enemys that are actual 1:1 copys of someones character. Maybe a bit of everything?.. It would add much more of a “community” feeling to meet other heroes without having to join some random game full of foreigners. It worked damn good for dark souls 2.

There will be faction based armor. Not sure about weapons as we’ll be getting augments which are also faction based and enhance weapons and other item types.

Will the currently earned amount of reputation on the characters be converted to the new system?

I believe so yes. Really cannot see it not being converted.

man when you google “ggg games” the first result is “girls go games” and the second is “grinding gear games”, thats pretty sad ( ._.) its all pink and stuff too.

Can’t wait for all of this.

Hahahahaha. You made my day!

Faction system looks much closer to what I was looking for when I invested in the game. Now I hope that you can become a bit more involved in the Factions (other than getting a few merchant points off) than Act 3.
End of Act 1 or middle of Act 2 would be good, to get earlier into one of the core parts of the game.