Grim Misadventure #72: Enter the Sanctums

Just to clear up that Order of Death’s Vigil will have something pet based.

Sounds awesome! Will other factions have sealed areas as well? (Superbosses, maybe?)

The black legion has one in deadman’s gulch.

Called it!

Edit: I’m dumb.

Where is Fort Ikon? :eek:

Would be neat if both factions had some patrols that can have a chance in running into some hostile enemies (either Ch’thonic or their counterpart).

That WOULD be neat indeed! If you ever played GTA 2, the cool mafiosi shared a few streets with the looneys (talking about 2 of 3 gangsta groups in the game), and firefights ensued on their own. I loved to spend my time on those streets, just watching them wreck the whole street, or helping one side. Don’t know, but this kind of mechanic (Doom monster infighting, Half-Life marines vs aliens…) is super-exciting for me.

Looks amazing! :smiley:

Thanks for the update, this looks really fascinating! In multiplayer, can one player enter the sanctuary of other player if they chose different allies (e.g. one chose the order and the other person chose kymon’s )?

Based on your reputation, you may have assistance in the Necropolis. :wink:

You can only earn the favor of one of them, so only of those doors will ever be opened to you.

You can only enter the sanctum of the faction you are allied with. If you are allied with neither, you cannot enter either of them.

great job guys keep it up.

Looks really great! can’t wait to see what it all looks like up close and how the rest of the area’s are gonna look like!

Am I correct in thinking the choices are character specific, much like the two choices for blacksmith in act 1? So we can experience both choices if we play two characters that far?


Yes the choice is character specific. You will also be able to make new choices for each difficulty once they become available.

Ahhh…come on i wanna enter the opposite faction and lay waste to their place for mucho faction :slight_smile:

Lol i thought i dreamt act 3 come out last night. GD so much fun lately with my DEE build.

awesome! looks great

are they mutually exclusive? if you side with one group will the other automaticly hate you?

Yes as they are enemies of each other - obviously you siding with one will make you an enemy of the other.

so far my character only had the option to side with the black something or other giving me quests against the cult of ch’thon