Grim Misadventure #75: Shaman Mastery Pt. 1

He intentionally adds it in Photoshop to troll you.

Shame there is no planned Mastery for gun users.

gun user demolist is too much. People like melee much more ranger in this kind of game haha

You people always seem to dive on to devotion when you can. :wink:

New petbuild incoming! …and still have to play so many… :eek: :cool:

Interesting mastery and can’t wait to see how it works out in the game. I would like to build myself an army with pets combining shaman with occultist.

Almost want to bet that that is NOT what the button will look like or where it will be placed when it releases. :stuck_out_tongue:

YEAH! I’m very long time waiting new Mastery! And this day incoming!

When is this coming? Shaman Hype Train Choo Choo!

Lightning elementalist caster, here I come!

Great news about impending b27. Shaman looking very promising, never had a lightning build. Good work Crate :smiley:

Yay! I am finally going to be able to recreate a Thane, which was my favorite TQ:IT class to play.

Looks to be quite promising when it comes to synergy with all other masteries.

Well, I sure hope we will see a firearms/crossbows-focused mastery in the expansion then.

Rifles are still pretty much inferior to everything.

Not that I’m complaining, of course.

I’m stoked for Warders. When I first saw Cadence and Brute Force together, the first image that ran through my mind was a manly warrior tearing shit down with gigantic weapons! >=D

Excellent news ! Thank you !

They will do Opposing Force (like it was for Half-Life 1), we will play as cult of c’hton, Cronley’s gang and other EVIL forces :smiley:

Hyped for B27!

Sure hope it comes sooner than later because legend has it that bourbon clone is still listening to the same song over and over. Last time I saw him he was already looking a little edgy.

Poor fella.

Awesome! I remember some of us talked about a 2 handed lightning class a while back. Lightning is my favourite element, I am so much looking forward to this character!

Oh boy, can’t wait !