Grim Misadventure #88: A Look Back at 2015

Right on! The surprises always turn out to be great stuff.

Expectations: :smiley:

That sounds great! It was a long, sometimes stony ride but you and us as the community made it so far that you soon will finally call Grim Dawn a release candidate. Also translation teams put last hands on their opus magnum :wink:
I appreciate you as a team that is able to turn 180 and make the hard decisions when solid arguments indicate it. I put much hope in the upcoming build. Cheers!

Finally, Grim Dawn is going to be complete. I can not wait for it. Keep going Crate!

Wow, this week, really? Dang, you guys are hardcore workers! Amazing job from start to finish, glad I gave my money for this. Looking forward to new surprises! (and willing to bet level cap 100 is one of them, hehe).

Sexy guys, Keep it coming!! :smiley:

Later this week ? Nooo ! Curse you work ! Once again, you stand between me and my passion by sending me away.

Thanks for the update. I am sure you are as thrilled as we all are for all the theorycrafting, praising and whining that will be going on when the balance build hits :stuck_out_tongue:
You participated in making 2015 a little bit better :slight_smile:

Eww, now I’m curious what these other additions/improvements could be. Great work, keep it up.

well i think that there will be more items/sets because atm highest set is lvl 75 and we can reach 85… so there must be a new stuff! :wink:

I suppose they should be related to storyline and (maybe) dialogs

This is just great news!! Will the balancing in B30 have something to do with the occultist mastery perhaps?

Anyhow, Im so happy how this game turned out, I was really surprised with patch B29 and it came out much better than I expected! :smiley:

Thanks for an awesome game!
I truly enjoy it!

I’m hoping that Occultist gets either cooldown reduction for its skills on Possession, or there’s an item or skill change that gives Occultist a spammable Chaos+Vit damage nuke that can scale well into Ultimate.

Either way, more than excited for all the goodies we’ll be getting soon.

"which is coming sooner than you think "

My wish has not come true :cool:

There goes my weekend again playing new build :stuck_out_tongue: ,thanks crate you guys rock!!!

DoT crits?! :smiley:

What’s the point of this update exactly? To tell us what’s already been done with the game? Seems kind of pointless :confused:

Come bask in these glorious accomplishments with us : we did this !
(And by we I mean they. You know: them. The entities actually coding the game. I am starting to think they might have been possessed, for no one here has seen them actually sleep !)

2015 was a good year of complaining…

…here’s to 2016! :smiley: